Saturday, January 24, 2009

watching a model in motion


happy saturday!

a video of an editorial being shot is like gold dust. there is something quite mesmerising about watching an established model mould her body into pose after pose, making it look so seemingly easy. yet simultaneously proving that you have to have an imagination with the capacity of eternity to produce something that actually looks good.

in this case, it's lily donaldson modelling a hoard of SS09 pieces for V Magazine; balenciaga, margiela and the like, so all look sculpted in a pleasingly simple way.

the shoot was for the v's feburary issue, and, which photographer Nick Knight is Director of, has dedicated a project, which is deliciously time consumming and shows the filming and behind the scenes of the editorial. you can find each of the looks broken down, as well as interviews with Nick Knight, Lily Donaldson, Sam McKnight and those involved.

click here for the time portal of a page; it'll swallow up your time!

the fantastic fantastic music is Paris - Friendly Fires ft Au Revoir Simone. Aeroplane remix. cue the sound of a thousand fingers hitting the download button!


  1. your blog is incredible.

  2. She is so lovely! It's bad that I clicked on that link. I am supposed to be studying.

    And I'm downloading that song right now!!

    xo L

  3. loved this vid so much, and there's also a really graet one of agyness deyn somewhere, who i dont really love as much as i love lily, but who is just one of the most vibrant and well, active models in the busines, i think. the way she moves! i think it was aggy and craig mcdean maybe... it was a great video though, she was just laughing and jumping aruond and then instantly curved her body and pouted. like watching poetry in motion hahah!!!!

  4. I prefer that old video of Kate Moss jumping around and then falling down. Now THAT'S a model! ;-)

  5. I just downloaded this song like 5 minutes ago!

  6. This was addictive to watch. I love her slow grace. It's really impressive.

  7. Anonymous1:02 pm GMT

    It truely is incredible how some models move in front of the camera, they just come alive! I love lilys work xx

  8. I love that picture!

    juliet xxx

  9. love ur blog, please come and check me out!
    please and thanks, love

  10. Oh my goodness that song! Oh to be a all round y-s x

  11. oh great video!!!!!!!! i watched the entire thing! amazing.

    thanks hon! hope you had a good weekend!
    xxxxx LM

  12. I really like your blog... you have a knack for finding amazing gems!

    My degree project at csm is to make a fashion magazine for 17 - 24 year olds and I am using my blog to share inspirations & ideas. I would really appreciate some feedback from potential readers!
    Link me / check me out...

    Thanks! xx

  13. really enjoyed this - mesmerising indeed. am left having hair envy and wanting some more sculpture in my wardrobe and less thrift. love those pointy padded shoulders. showstudio is one of my regular timewaster haunts too x

  14. look five & look eight are my favvourites!

    that dress is gorgeous, so sculpted yet it moves so beautifully, the knee socks, jewellry & heels (!) just make the look even more perfect.

    what an amazing video. oh to have the job assisting on these kinds of photo shoots...

    & the music is just fabulous. im downloading right now!

    love xx

  15. Thank you for posting this, the video is really amazing!
