Friday, February 06, 2009

the alternative trends of oh nine

The catwalks of Spring 2009 didn't show us an awful lot that we haven't already seen before. In fact, the lack of dominant trends combined with the uncertain economic climate makes this year feel both significant and in a way exciting for fashion.

Yes, small designers suffer and that some are having to opt for presentations rather than full shows at fashion week in order to keep prices to a minimum isn't something to cheer about but Vogue UK editor Alexandra Shulman recently said something that makes a lot of sense. "You do get new names, new businesses, during recessions. Things happen. It can be quite an exciting time creatively. And old names often die. At that time (the recession of the early 1990s) a whole slew of new designers bubbled up – like McQueen, Stella McCartney, Hussein Chayalan, Clements Ribeiro"

While this year is likely to be a tough one, and we may have to expect some of fashion's talent going out of business, I'm eager to see how designers will be inspired and what they can create. I'm always interested in how social, political, economic context effects the designers. Look around at advertising campaigns and fashion editorials (notably Drew Barrymore in POP Magazine) and you may notice the references to early 1960s America in the form of old track tops and cheerleader get ups. A coincidence that fashion has looking to some of the styles from the time that Kennedy became President, just as Obama, who many have placed on a parallel to JFK (in terms of hope and change) has come into office?

As spending large sums of money on updating our wardrobes may be out of the question this year, there'll be more making do and mend, finding old pieces from the backs of our wardrobe and wearing them in new ways. Even more scouring through the charity shops and vintage stores and rather refreshingly a desire to create our own mood in fashion, with an influx of micro and underground trends. These are some of the trends that I'm personally desiring and over the next few posts I'll be predicting more.




  1. Anonymous5:39 pm GMT

    loving all of these "alternative trends"

    i just want to go tie knots in my knits!

  2. I remember when I used to knot my shirts. Who knew that would ever see the light of day again!

  3. How wierd there must be something in the air as all I can think about at the moment is knotting my tees and shirts!

  4. Anonymous6:19 pm GMT

    i love your insightful commentaries and that you're trying to emphasize quality over quantity with your posts. i do love reading fashion blogs that are all about "look what i bought today" or "gahhhhh i want this" or "ugh that's so ugly," but this is a refreshing alternative. keep it up, DC!

  5. I love knotting! Especially baggy aa jumpery things.

  6. Anonymous8:49 pm GMT

    I've been knotting extra long oxfords or plaid button ups for a couple months now. (More like the girl in the bottom photo than Erin or the garance girl.) I guess I might try a regular t-shirt once the weather gets a little more tolerable.

    btw, I love your blog :)

  7. Erin... ¬¬ copycat!


  8. Love these. I think i need to get knotting!

    Please visit me at


  9. yesss i love the idea of a knotted tee and a floor skimming skirt! i also love your quality over quantity posts, i should really practice some restraint when it comes to blogging.

  10. i love both these ideas, knotting AND floor length.

  11. Loving this post. I've been deliberating over floor length skirts for a while, i love them in theory but they are very tricky to wear in reali life. Might try out the knot though. Glad you're still posting!

  12. Anonymous1:27 pm GMT

    Oh man, i remember knotting my t-shirts in middle school.

    Good post. it's nice to see blogs straying away from reporting on the typical trends. ie acid wash and heathered t-shirts (not that those aren't awesome aswell)

  13. It's basicly the same what Karl said, just not that cruel-y.

    juliet xxx

  14. awesome post, really.
    y-s x

  15. ohhh knotting v cool tip! trust u to sniff this one out. i have been tying my shirts in a knot at the bottom but i love the idea of interesting t-shirt knots more. have you seen grey gardens? mad little eddie had a very elegant take on knotting xx

  16. Anonymous6:33 pm GMT

    I've been knotting up skirts and shirts too.... blame bad fits of vintage clothing...

  17. two of my favourite (newish) trends as well.

    ive got to try them both at the same time, perhaps getting that short track tee from aa, knotting it & throwing it over my maxi tank dress.

    & oh how i wish i would have got that sheer bodysuit i tried on at aa friday, itd look pefect under something knotted to not show so much.

    i dont think alma's looked better, im absolutely swooning over that photo of her.

    *click into my inspiration folder*

    happy sunday, my love! x

  18. I should really try the knotting thing at one point, I've always loved how it looks. Great post by the way!

  19. Anonymous10:55 pm GMT

    yesss, liking the max hemline trend. the O's make it look so good.

  20. Anonymous11:22 am GMT

    nothing says elegance like a floor length skirt....not to mention they make most people look a thousand metres tall

  21. love the olsen´s look!!

  22. Anonymous9:05 pm GMT

    What a great blog. I completely agree with your post. I am fed up with the recession already but would be really interested to see the effect it has on fashion and trends. I am already noticing alot of people developing their own style rather than following trends. Please take a look at my blog celebrating individual style adn second hand clothes.
