Monday, March 02, 2009

an experiment

i don't usually like posts that are filled with excuses or apologies, but in the case of my unbelieveably shiteous camera situation, I must do just that. my lovely digital got nicked at someones house and until that bonus we've been promised in march (um. yeah. right?) no self timer for me! i digress.

I was going through my drawers and had a sudden lightbulb moment.
a frilled skirt that I never ever wear + an american apparel scoopneck dress =that lovely la garconne dress?

in short, it's the closest i'll get and so an experiment ensued with lots of tucking and some "wait, do I look pregnant?" thoughts.



Anonymous said...

No pregnancy. I love it.

Lisa said...

Not bad at all! Great improvisational idea.

A. said...

ehh, stevie! you look gargeous! seriously you looking this lovely more than makes up for your current unfortunate camera situation.

i love the dress. & i love it when you have those type of fashion lightbulb moments. makes me always feel all cool & inventive & shit.


love you lotss xxxx

The July Girl said...

gorgeous!! I love it.

Anonymous said...

what a fantastically fun outfit!

Alice X said...

still pretty awesome! great idea you:)

Anonymous said...

Love it hun, I love creating something out of what appears to be nothing! and you are oh so lucky to have met chloe. xx

Anonymous said...

not bad at all! a great creative moment you had!

AlicePleasance said...

I really like it!

home girl said...

ace shape. looks hot x

filthy lust said...

very nice.

leeselooks said...


i love what you did with these pieces!!!
that is true style.

hope all is well beauty.


megan said...

Awesome! I love this look... I'm always into the frills.

megan /

May Kasahara said...

oh I LOVE it. LOVE.

Sandra Mikaela said...

that's one awesome dress!

young-shields said...

ot looks great! i love little inspirational moments like that. y-s x

Meghan and Lana said...

This looks wonderful! How great is that american apparel dress for creative layering?

looks fab!

xoxo L

Siru said...

I love it!

juliet xxx

Anonymous said...


discotheque confusion said...

like, yes.