Saturday, April 18, 2009

well, well, well..

Very excited indeed that Discotheque Confusion made the pages of todays Luxx Magazine in the Saturday Times!

I'd like to thank my therapist, primary school english teacher, my three nutritionists, my nannies, God, Nelson Mandela for a constant source of inspiration and all of the teachers who ever set me tedious homework assignments that confirmed I would much rather blog.

Thanks to Jo Craven for getting in touch about the piece! It's on page 55 for Brit readers who have that inevitably disordered stack of weekend papers floating about. I'll get scanning for those who don't..


  1. Anonymous6:24 pm BST

    CONGRATS! That's so great, good for you
    x Gin

  2. Yaaay scan scan scan!!

  3. missed it! you MUST scan xx

  4. congrats! scan it please :)

  5. WOWZERS CONGRATS! always knew u were a super star xx

  6. Yay! Just read this bit, I'm gonna google it - cannae wait for the scan! x

  7. Anonymous7:35 pm BST

    i read it and liked what you said.. it irritates me in a strange way when i see adverts down the side of blogs (knighttcat has the MOST random ones) or they change their adresses to join some sort of corporation. it feels so much less homegrown

  8. Hmm, couldn't find it on Google... Scan please...?! x
