Tuesday, May 26, 2009

model whimsy; you'll love this girl

I've never been particularly mad on the Victoria's Secret girls, but throw in a second hand bicycle, a ukulele, some home grown vegetables and I become very open minded on the subject.


Organic Farm

Pania Rose is a modern day fairy princess, and though as a model by day she is preened, prodded and dressed up, she enjoys getaways to her cottage in Long Island where she grows flowers, plays with her dogs, makes log fires and can slum about in her dungarees for as long as she fancies.

As somebody who lives in this city, she induces some serious lifestyle envy. Makes me miss the days when I lived in a caravan on a farm with my Dad and would hide in the raspberry bushes eating fruit until my fingers were bright pink and my stomach hurt!


More reasons to love Pania Rose:

+beirut is her favourite band
+she likes to spend her weekend reading the New York Times, pottering around her cottage and taking a drive in her old Falcon car
+she's worked with Peter Beard who "was completely nuts and utterly charming."
+she's insanely pretty but refreshingly interesting
+these two videos..



  1. ahhh bless her wholesome little socks!

  2. she's australian (i think) they always talk about her being from AUS in magazines here. :) SHe is gorgeous, and refreshingly down to earth (pun intended hehehe).


  3. she's so cute haha i want to learn how to play the ukulele now! btw: is she naked in the first video?!

  4. she's so beautiful, and her hair is to-die-for! x

  5. ohhh yesss, I do love this girl already and this is the first time I've heard about her. I wish I could join her to her adorable cottage and grow flowers, ride a bike on empty roads and play the ukulele. Hope you're well Stevie xxx

  6. i perfect life, flat in the big city and a farm in the country. so cute.

  7. that is the cutest thing! she can easily get the high-rolling city lifestyle but she chose this. wise girl.

  8. Anonymous6:14 pm BST

    sounds perfect! and i love beirut!

  9. aww this post is SO lovely
    im not usually interested in the lives of models but she is so inspiring! i wish we could all live like this :)


  10. I love her.She´s so cute!
    And I love your blog!!
    I follow tou from Barcelona.

  11. ummm okay so i want her to be my new best friend.

  12. she seems like such a cool girl!! i love the fact that she lives in the country!

  13. Anonymous11:49 pm BST

    anyone who likes beirut is alright in my book. and i love the pictures in the countryside

  14. she's so young! but definitely a cutie.

  15. Anonymous7:55 pm BST

    the first video makes me think of this cute video for hermès:

  16. hi ben from modelfeed.com - if u wanted to interview pania - email me some questions at ben at modelfeed dot com, and i can get them answered and u can post exclusively on yer awesome blog. gr8 profile on pania thx ! bb

  17. Anonymous6:34 am BST

    Pania seems really sweet. I love those gardening shots. It's awesome to see the real side.

