Sunday, May 17, 2009

buttoned up

i've been experimenting with that buttoned up shirt look..
it take a lot of attempts to ensure that you don't look like an office worker.
and even then there are different levels of "office worker acceptable":

1. looking like a male office worker from the 1960s is fine (add a swipe of lippie for androgyny)
2. looking like a sexy contestant from The Apprentice is not. steer clear of this look by avoiding pencil skirts.
shirt from h&m, trousers from topshop (both old stock)


  1. eeeh, steeevieee!

    you pull this off so well. the sheerness of the top is just lovely.

    as are you. that red lippy is perfect on you. perfect...

    much love, xxxooo

    ps, hehe i do love seeing my name on your blackboard door, hee!

  2. i've been trying the button up look thing myself...but i fear my neck might be a little too short, still tryin' to figure it out.

    you pull it off with panache, though...the pants and shirt combo is a dream.

  3. love the buttoned up shirt/red lip combo!!

  4. Anonymous12:03 am BST

    great lipstick

    and your door is so cool!

  5. Lovely, looks very clean.
    I love the first quote on your door(¿? board¿?), shows a very humble way of thinking.

  6. I couldn't agree with you more, buttoned up shirts is definetely an art form. WHich you have succeeded at!

  7. Oh,you did a good job.You look much prettier on it.Great! Looking forward on your next post.=)

    A Writers Den
    The Brown Mestizo

  8. Oh,you did a good job.You look much prettier on it.Great! Looking forward on your next post.=)

    A Writers Den
    The Brown Mestizo

  9. Oh,you did a good job.You look much prettier on it.Great! Looking forward on your next post.=)

    A Writers Den
    The Brown Mestizo

  10. Oh,you did a good job.You look much prettier on it.Great! Looking forward on your next post.=)

    A Writers Den
    The Brown Mestizo

  11. oh,i'm sorry for the comment that appeared repeatedly.I think my computer had a little bit problem.=)
    I'm really sorry..

  12. I like the slight sheerness of your blouse. The collar has a lovely shape as well.

  13. Love ti so much...geezz...haha..;D So cute..

    Travel and Living

  14. Anonymous7:22 am BST

    I love the shirt and red lipstick, so Chloe Sevigny. It looks amazing.

  15. you're so cute my dear :-)

  16. tastes like disco12:50 pm BST

    I like your look, however, I ve been more intrigued by your door. =) You got a blackboard as a door?! How cool is that!
    And I love the first quote, its just become a fave of mine. =)

  17. button-up always LOOKS better than it feels, non? hey-dig the colorful landscape painting in the background too!

  18. oh yeahhh i love this look! i think you look amazing, I wore a white blouse and black slacks with red lipstick last week but ended up taking the lipstick off in fear of loooking like i was going to go to work as a secretary ahahah, but this looks great :)

  19. defo channeling chloe here, i love that u take fashion risks. i'm thinking a pair of killer heels would complete the look, non? love it more stevie!
