Wednesday, May 13, 2009

one, two, three, gasp!

pics; garance dore, hanna terese nilsson

attention to colour is always something that I really notice in other people, I think mostly ironically because it's something that often slips my mind when planning my own outfits. a flash of a shocking pink slip just peeking from under a long black coat or the subtley winning combination of navy and black are the catalysts for fully blown style crushes.

jade, who was captured by garance dore is one of those mesmerising examples and i want to stand up and start enthusiastically clapping, (ala that concluding scene in every naff american romcom) for the genius of this pink pairing. the nude belt is all that ensures she teeters and avoids that fine line of matchy matchy prep.

before i run, inspired, to my own wardrobe; applause, applause!


  1. I think wearing all of one color (other than black.. which isn't technically a color) is daring. I love it on this girl!

  2. hah I think I'm going to start applauding outfits now, I'm sure my frinds would love me for it. I keep meaning to wear all one colour but my god it's tricky. She pulls it off very well.

  3. Anonymous10:07 pm BST

    i just noticed this girl today as well, and was totally blown away too!

  4. you're so right ;
    i love little things that make a huge difference .
    subtleties speak volumes .

  5. jade is so great, she's the designer of a line called 'Arnsdorf' that basically encompasses what she wears every day, beautiful pastels, lots of denim, loose styles. ah she's so amazing, i saw her during fashion week and she's so stunning in person.

    applause indeed!


  6. Ha I saved that garance dore picture in my inspiration folder. I love the loose fitting shirt- it's gorgeous. Who knew lots of pink could work so well?xx

  7. gorgeous!!=) Thanks for sharing,have a nice day.=) Hope to see more from you..

    A Writers Den

  8. I too adored this outfit on garance! Genius x

  9. this reminds me so much of something my mother would have worn in the eighties.

    she was a model, so its a good thing, ha.

    you would have loved the play i did on black & brown a few weeks ago with my thrifted mens trousers...might have to recreate it soon for a outfit post...

