Tuesday, May 05, 2009

shall we?

there's nothing like the met costume gala to prod me from a semi-comatose state of blogging, and I must say that after last year's disappointing proceedings which involved a distinct lack of imagination in the superhero costume department, this year's attendees all deserve a pat on the back for such dedication. because let's face it, cooing over their dresses and kirkwood bedecked feet is about as glamorous as most of our monday night could get. we're the parasites who get our fix of glamour second hand from them.

seeing as the met gala is the thickly underlined and enthusiatically highlighted fixture on the fashion calender I thought I'd write a homage in poem form to last night's affairs. cuz, you know it's all in a days work for an A-grade english student. (i kid, i kid)

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first of all let's raise a toast
to racquel whose outfit I cooed over most
looking on top form a bleached ms zimmerman
more to be said than for "guess who" in wang
yes, dree hemingway, how predictably,
but goodness me, where was chloe sevigny?

diane kruger looked like a perfect cloud
to ms leighton, respect for going so loud,
I suppose I must eat my hat and say,

Erin Wasson in Phi took my breath away,

January Jones undeniably one to watch,
hold! lara stone, I almost saw your crotch!

mayock, kebede, traina all deserve a mention,
madonna as per usual centre of attention,

elson and white couple of the night,

hocus pocus, what a frightful delight


  1. love the poem, and all the outfits, the pleated red dress especially.

  2. I was sadly disappointed. Nothing was as eye catching as last year's gala. In my humble opinion.

  3. haha! love the poem!!! i had such a fun morning scoping all the pics :-)


  4. well done! 'vigorously clapping hands'



  5. All the outfits were so blah to watch. Your poem, on ther other hand, was pretty fun to read.

  6. Elson and White are the DREAM couple :)

  7. Wow!! Super cool poem.. Loved Daria and Ashley..=)


  8. I think if Blake does have a stylist it must be Heidi Montag, who else would put someone in that horror of a dress.
    I love Lou's look, that red is stunning.

  9. erin looks FIERCE. diane gets marks for texture, and lara stone is, well, lara stone so she's just fabulous anyway. all i can think about is a la moss - i can't make my mind up about that turban! x

  10. Anonymous2:14 pm BST

    Love Kate's turban. Very Biba-esque. Only she could make a turban fashionable.

