Sunday, June 07, 2009

summer of 68


happy birthday, father.

oh, yeah and everything pelayo diaz knows about life was learn from my dad.
check out the hair influence in the first picture, second row.

noughties hipsters trying to channel the nineties, eat your heart out!


  1. Ah, such a sweet thing to do for his birthday! Loving the 90s nostalgia, i shall have to look back on some of my old family photos. Do you fancy a link exchange?

  2. your dad is cool!!! i think im going to go look through my pictures, although im fairly sure all im going to see is a morange mullet an a pleather bomber jacket.

  3. Those are some handsome overalls in that one photo. Does your post title mean your dad is a year younger than me? Ugh.

  4. Anonymous4:56 pm BST

    wow your dad is definitely an original, my dad isn't this cool haha happy birthday to him!

  5. Ditto WendyB. Love your dad's we know where you get your style from...x
