Sunday, June 07, 2009

ultimate whimsy

I chanced copies of these beautiful videos over at bien dans da peau and at first I assumed they had been created by some anonymous Scandinavian film director, a little speck in the gigantic sphere of Youtube.

Alas, further investigation led me to discover that they are indeed the videos accompanying Stella McCartney's special collections. I was a little disappointed, as I find my first assumption appealing, however it cannot be denied that these videos perfectly epitomise the femininity of the Stella McCartney brand and upon realising this was the project on which Stella had collaborated with the fabulous artist Sir Peter Blake it all made sense.

Produced and directed by the Net A Porter team, the videos could easily be mistaken for the brainchild or Sofia Coppola or Tim Walker.

They are a visual treat and I'm sure for those of you who go a little weak at the knees when thinking of peonies, broderie anglaise and barefoot bike rides (who doesn't?) you'll find these a incarnation of your favourite girlish daydreams. I don't think I'm alone in wishing that my days during this summer will consist of spontaneous climbing of Magnolias (even more wishful seeing as they bloom in spring..) or ducking through floral jungles in creamy suits. Or wading through chilly rivers in my knickers with my best friend. Ah, dream on, dream on..

Of course, they're more effective when viewed together, but I think "Poem" is my favourite, for that mouthwatering combination of the pink hydrangeas against the girls' suits. Which one do you love best?


  1. I love Magnolia Tree for the effects on the film that make it seem old and scratched. I also love the tree climbing in that one. I don't like the narration in Poem at all.

    Thanks for posting these, they're great.

  2. kites is definitely my favorite. riding bikes and flying kites is my idea of a perfect summer.

  3. gorgeous ! i'm totally in love !

  4. So beautiful! I wish my summer could be like that..

  5. Kites! The perfect mix of ethereal and trippy.
    Thanks for the the tip about the video, he makes some useful points. I hope the unseen texts aren't really obscure. This is wierd, college and blogging shouldn't mix!

  6. Anonymous5:42 pm BST

    I love the one in the river, reminds me of old times, mostly childhood, feeling completely weightless. These are really beautiful. x

  7. definitely poem but magnolia's a close second

  8. insane! i have been showing everyone these! xxx

  9. Anonymous10:07 am BST

    that´s visual poetry.


  10. These are beautiful! Thanks for sharing(:

  11. Oh yes, love these. Am warming to Stella more and more...

  12. right now im so into all of this spring, soft pink things

  13. Bike riding reminded me of my childhood on rural roads. Just lovely.

  14. Magnolia Tree is my favorite. It's girly and light and whimsical. A treat for the eyes.

    Kites and Island had a bit of an eerie feel to them especially with the accompanying music. I didn't like them at all. And Poems would have been better without the narrating man's voice.

    All in my humble opinion of course ;)

  15. Anonymous8:19 pm BST

    fun videos, thanks

    check out my blog @

  16. Anonymous10:17 pm BST

    all of these are just lovely. the scenery was so lovely and childish in the magnolia trees. it is not often that you see models in a not fierce mode. the poem in poem was so beautiful. i really loved the last two. the faded images and effects were perfect especially the music. has anyone seen the movie the virgin suicides?? those videos pretty much embody the whole movie. stella is one hell of a dream maker. thanks for posting these. so lovely.- lola

  17. OMG i love kites :)
    Pictures are lovely..
