Friday, August 14, 2009

friday night saturday morning

this weekend I will be running away to london with two of my best mates.
playing around on my new phone and mailing the overseas BFF.
crushing on rachel ballinger.
shopping for vintage boots and trying to find a velvet skirt.
housesitting for my aunt in finsbury park.
dreaming of interiors.
cooking a stirfry and possibly trying out some cocktails with the girls.
attempting to get past the 10th page of em. forster's howard's end.
digging around in my bag for my notebook to jot down what everyone is wearing.
trying to hunt down a copy of russh magazine.
et toi?

pic, the fashion spot


  1. Anonymous3:07 am BST

    love the floral top on this

    check out my blog @

  2. Sounds fun!I'm hoping by the end of this weekend to be in london myself:/...but saturday the county fair to say bye to my friend who's going to uni across the continent on monday :0(
    Hope you guys have fun!

  3. sounds absolutely lovely!!! have fun!

    this weekend i'm saying farewell to all my friends who are going to school. it'll be a sad few days.

    i love this picture so much!

  4. tastes like disco9:32 am BST

    i love the song you`re refering to in the title =) and its what im gonna do tonight, i`ll work till late and then go out with friends. i dont see them very often but we met up two days ago and it was a really lovely evening. hope its gonna be as much fun tonight!

    have a great weekend!

  5. "i go out on friday nights and i come home on saturday mornings"

    yayy! have fun! good luck on your hunt for pretty things!

    rachel looks so much like my little cousin - its crazy.

    looking forward to the mobile-mails! new word, perhaps? hee.


  6. Try R.D Franks for Russh. It's on Wincely Street, just off Oxford Street. Every fashion magazine you could wish for, and more. It's down the bottom end nearer Tottenham Court Rd, down one of the side streets nr La Senza or H&M, I think.

  7. I'm always crushing on rachel ballinger and trying to get past page 10 of dracula... as vampire books go twilight was a much easier read!

  8. Anonymous2:28 pm BST

    Sounds fun!

    I'm having an old-job reunion tonight and then vintage shoppnig for some blog competition parcels I promised to send off ...nothing too exciting!

  9. Sounds good! i'm having a garden party/ bbq/ stumbling drunkenly to somewhere that has a dance floor and serves booze xx

  10. this weekend I will be seeing a friend from home and doing summer course work for my US History class next year. also, that picture is so funny.

  11. RUSSH looks so great but they never sell it in my stupid small town.

  12. I wish I was you this weekend!

    I'm: having my last therapy session (really, yeah); having dinner with my best friend at the best restaurant ever; and going to a film screening in a park. Not too bad.

  13. haha loving the upside down sunglasses! perfect fun

  14. I second what the earlier comment said, R.D Franks, on Winsley St sells Russh and pretty much every other magazine you can think of!

  15. Take a lot of photos, I love London...

  16. Anonymous3:35 pm BST

    The sunglasses are upside down hehe.
    And wow London. Russh is a great magazine. Its Australian right? I live in Australia so its pretty much everywhere. :)

  17. The vintage-hippie floral top is so pretty! Love it.


  18. Anonymous11:21 pm BST

    haha great photo!

    have fun!

    oo velvet skirt is a good shopping goal, I need one as well :)

    this weekend I returned from a family vacation in Massachusetts- the beach and all the ice cream I could ever want were heaven, but the plane flight left me feeling like I have the flu ugg

  19. stevie you never said finsbury park!! that's really rather near where I live...when do you go back home? If you're still around on sunday evening hit me up (if I'm not too jet lagged; my flight's getting in late tomorrow afternoon)
    have a brilliant time x
    p.s look I still bother to check your blog even when I'm on fact it's sort of a pre-flight stress relief therapy...a testament to the quality of discothequeconfusion
    p.p.s best way to get to kentish town from finsbury park I reckon is 253 to camden then 134/46. or you could walk but then I'm a lazy fart

  20. heyyy you,

    I think I saw you in Rokit Vintage on Brick Lane today?!

    Was going to come and say HIYA but didnt want to look like a massive stalker! mentioned it on my blog today actually!


  21. cute face haha.

    my list also includes shopping for vintage boots, and studding the crap out of them if i can find suitable studs...

  22. i have totally decided to follow your blog :)

  23. i really, really love that picture.
    who is it?

  24. sounds lovely, have a great weekend. Also love the floral top x

  25. adorable picture. have a great weekend.

    this weekend I will be writing a week overdue essay. oh joy.

  26. Oh Stevie, hope you have a blast in London! take tons of pictures so I can stalk you on fbook after that, haha.


  27. I hope you had great time!

    juliet xxx

  28. love this post awesome pic too!
    Oh and Russh seems to be like the hardest mag to track down right?
    Have fun in london!

  29. i have that book howard's end! my grandad finds it deeply insulting as of course his name is howard and he "is in the autumn of this life", as a result i'm obviouslyy trying to be cheeky reading it in front of him.

    you should take the tube everywhere, it's well worth buying a pass and looking in the st.john wood's charity shops for clothes and books.

    velvet skirts <3 defo!

  30. Anonymous11:36 pm BST

    Russh magazine...they have it in a little news agents in Aldgate East, on the left side of the road as you walk towards Whitechapel.

    I did a little dance when I found it!

  31. Hope you had a great time in London! This last weekend I just rested, was so tired after coming back to the office after my summer holidays :(

  32. hey, i'm in australia so if you ever want to paypal i can ship you over russh for you...(love that mag!) great blog.

  33. Sounds fun :) Like your floral top btw.

    I have a russh magazine :( Have you looked in all the corner shops you can find? I libve in London, and they are really easy to get there! Just goo to WHSMITH or a random corner shop...

    Panda x

  34. hey your really hot, but your sunglasses on are upside down

    see more brillance

  35. I love this the moment baking a cake.

  36. Reminds me of the brilliant Specials song Friday Night/ Saturday Morning...
