Monday, November 02, 2009

After a lovely weekend with friends in Edinburgh, which involved lots of catching up and a trip to see An Education (go and see it!) i'm now making my way to the north of Scotland for a few days. Though being sans internet until next weekend gives me slighty clammy palms i'm relishing getting away from the city and having time to get through the stack of books that always get pushed aside by procrastination when I'm at home.

My expectations of outdoor follies and walks along the coastline with chilly cheeks and fingertips may be romanticised but all the same, I've packed plenty of chunky knitwear and woolly socks for 'The Edge of Love' style cosiness.

So this is to say that unless I can find some kindhearted local who is willing to swap a handpicked autumnal posey of flowers and heathers (what else do I have to offer?) for a quick go on the internet, this shall be the last post for a few days. Until then!


  1. the blogosphere anticipates your return...but in the words of the weird girl from the latest america's next top model series...'uh, jalusssssss.'

    claire x

  2. ack! so jealous! enjoy... can't wait to hear how your romanticized chilly walk along the coastline exceeds your expectations!

  3. ^^have fun(:

    xx cody

  4. Anonymous4:48 pm GMT

    have fun! i need to see "an education" thanks for reminding me!

  5. You could always offer your styling skills. :)


  6. i can't wait to see An Education! have fun on the rest of your trip! :)

  7. oh! your expectations are identical to mine, when i was in scotland last I was hoping for that kind of romantic rough and tumble... scotland doesn't disappoint! i hope you have the best time, and relish just being away from it all, it's nice to relax and unwind sometimes.


  8. Ooh sounds lovely! Hope you packed an umbrella though (one of the many reasons I moved South!) Have a macaroni pie and an irn bru for me will ya :)

  9. I have been dying to see An Education for months!! I'll probably go tomorrow night, V V V excited!


  10. I hope you have a great time! I have always dremd of going there!

    juliet xxx

  11. Well have fun! Awesome blog by the way.

  12. Ahh glad your enjoying scotland (where i'm from) Its really beautiful up north i think you will love it but just remember and take like ten layers of clothing as its beyond cold!
