Thursday, November 26, 2009

lions and birdies on your chest

It's one of those unfortunate facts of life that just as a new season is in full swing and the last leaves are falling from the trees, you stumble across arrays of climatically inappropriate attire.

Case in point is 'We Are Handsome', an Aussie brand. With hands down, the coolest graphic printed designs ever, these swimsuits are the perfect antidote to itsy bitsy bikinis. If you have ever found yourself muttering in frustration at the lack of coverage available in the high street swimwear departments, these shall have you throwing your hands in the air in praise.

Sorry fellow inhabitants of the Northern Hemisphere, I know that the beach is all but a distant memory, and I hate to rub salt in your wounds, but perhaps this will do for next summer? I suppose in a slightly obsessive compulsive 'things your Mother tells you' way it makes sense to buy swimwear out of season anyway?

We Are Handsome
EDIT: the We Are Handsome website currently appears to be down. I'd keep your eyes peeled though.


  1. Summer... :(
    CAN'T WAIT. though i prefer barely-there bikinis/bandeaus.


  2. Oh wow ! I love the bird swim suit!

  3. Anonymous9:34 pm GMT

    cool, cool, cool!!!! i used to love winter since i saw this.

  4. Well it IS summer in Australia. :D


  5. Anonymous5:09 am GMT


  6. Anonymous5:10 pm GMT

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