Monday, January 11, 2010

bookbag revolution

images, purple magazine and dazed digital

It's time like these (and bags as weak-knee inducing as these) that cause me to curse the sense of decency of whatever greater force it was that plonked me onto the 'poor side' of my family. Ah, I sit here and imagine how my life could be. A gene pool with a dusting of frivolity and the means to have Apc, Acne, Margaret Howell, Rachel Comey and these little
Olympia Le-Tan wonders punctuating my wardrobe. Alas, all in all I don't think I have it that bad. A Granny with an erotic blog and impeccable eye, a Mother with an admirable intolerance of bullshit, and a lovingly flaky Father (whose wallet has the ability to compress and expand more often than an Accordion.) My own finances shall have to patiently consider the sacrifices.

But I digress, because in short I wish to stop each and every one of you for a moment or two. Breath deeply, unhunch your shoulders and marvel at these fine, fine bags. They give a new meaning to 'Book bags' (remember those little plastic velcroed totes provided when at Primary School?) and their perfectly rectangular shape has me wanting to fill them to the brim. Pens in pockets, some mini fragrance dispensers and perhaps a politely sized apple in the far corner for my own nod to bookbags of years past. Please ignore any past utterances from my direction regarding shoes trumping bags, because evidentally I had not laid my eyes on these.

The icing on the literary cake? They are lined with Liberty print fabric. Yeah, I know. And word has it our dear Chloe Sevigny specially requested a Moby Dick version be made. If like me, the idea of finding £900 (which is around the mark at which they'll be retailing) to fund such a want seems a little impossible, then why, take my hand and we may mourn together.

Olympia Le-Tan


  1. Anonymous3:04 am GMT

    amazing, if they weren't so pricey

  2. Nothing is impossible -- just keep wishing and wanting, you never know, one (or more) of these may just fall into your lap one day somehow.
    Your grandmother has an erotic blog?? That's hilarious and awesome! What is it called haha??

  3. These are actually easy to make. I've made and sold a few. Now if only Chloe would order from me....

  4. i must echo the comment re your gran's blog!!

  5. To All Women Stalker: 'Easy to make'!? Please enlighten us! Or take our orders? Or mine? Seriously, you could make a good buck 'recreating' these, more details please!

    And to Romany and S: my Granny is a writer and has recently decided to embrace technology to the full by blogging, it's not technically an 'erotic blog', it's actually the diary of a sixty something character called Allie Allbright who wears leopard print leggings and has flings with French men. But there are posts of an erotic nature!

    Seriously, she wins Best Granny award and is probably actually readinis g this now (Hi Granny!) I'll give the address in case any of you, or someone you know interested as she's just starting and could do with more readers!

  6. these are wonderful :) I would like to get one of them for me :) thanks for the inspiration

  7. Your Granny's blog is now bookmarked; love her!


  8. That is so incredibly cool of your grandma, I'll have to check it out now.

  9. holy hell these are perfection

  10. Gosh! Aren't they lovely!! It is a shame that Purple Diary only has the top bag on their boutique! I'd love for childhood story books to be done- like Alice in Wonderland, The Wishing Chair, etc!
    Thanks for posting the Moby Dick bag-- I'm in love!!

  11. Wow, I love these. Perfect gift? I think so.

    Unfortunately, I'll never buy one because I don't even have enough money for snowboots. Damn.

  12. is it weird that i thought/wished that they were the covers of actual books?
    kind of nerdy but i kind of wish they'd slip over an actual novel...
