Monday, January 04, 2010

the start of a decade
photo, tamara lichtenstein flickr

well hello my lovelies. well well, we appear to find ourselves at the start of a new decade.
ah, there is nothing like ten years worth of prospects and possibilities to put a spring in ones step, or to cause the inclination to start up a conversation with a stranger.

now we are all refreshed after christmas and fully recharged, I'm finding that optimism is radiating from many a person. sadly, I give say give it a couple of weeks and we'll be back to our usual ways. sugar slumps, standard greetings (no 'happy new year!') and politely ignoring strangers on the bus shall resume but it's nice while it lasts.


  1. Completely agreed. I'm quite excited for the next 10 years... enjoying the end of my teens and twenties.

  2. Anonymous2:21 am GMT

    its a new decade...not century.

  3. Oh! this is so dreamie! lovely pic!
