Wednesday, January 06, 2010

stockholm stockholm

guess what I did the night before last?

image; life

After vague discussions of visiting Stockholm with a couple of friends, and armed with a credit card and a sudden flash of inspiration just after midnight, we booked a four day break to Stockholm!

All the working and saving I've been doing over the past few months has paid off and meant I could do it. The way I look at it, travelling is something you'll never regret spending money on. And staying in this hostel which promises free pasta, along with pleasing interiors and complimentary bike hire (if we can pedal through the snow that is..) for £20 a night is close to perfect!

Please feel free to divulge any tips or recommendations you may have up your sleeves regarding Stockholm. Monki, Weekday and cinnamon rolls are currently at the top of the list, naturally..


  1. I visited Stockholm for three nights in November 2008 (wow, seems so long ago now) and think I stayed at that same hostel! Unless they all offer free pasta? I would recommend wandering around the beautiful Old Town. There are some really amazing shops to be found there, like a dusty, second hand junk store that was semi-underground and had a tiny spiral staircase. Also the Old Town has lots of tourist souvenir shops which are mostly mediocre but there are some that have great jewelry (one place sold rings/earrings/necklaces made out of antique cutlery). Can't wait to hear about your trip!

  2. ahh so jealous! that's my plan for this year, save up and travel. stockholm's naturally in my top three places to go.
    have a great time and take lots of pics :)


  3. Oh how exciting! Have a great time!

  4. Ohhh a hostel promising free pasta! You've scored! Have a blast I wish I was going somewhere exciting too! xx

  5. Although I went in the summer a few years ago one of the things that's really stuck in my head is having a boat tour of the city and seeing how the islands make up the city (14 I think), easily one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. Try and get a tour of the town hall too, definitely worth having a look round!

  6. wow i would love to visit Stockholm: Cheap Monday and Monki. the face hunter did a couple shows there:

    Joy D.

  7. Stockholm is where i'll be venturing off to during reading week as well! though i am not nearly as productive and haven't gotten 'round to figuring out accommodations yet - whoops! if i may ask, where are you staying?

  8. What hostel is that? I would love to go to Stockholm and that sounds like a brilliant deal!


  9. Congratulations madame!

    Remember to spend time in Sodermalm...amazing shopping at Beyond Retro & Grandpa. Lisa Larsson also has nice, high-end second hand goods.

    If you drink, Indigo is pretty cool bar to hang out. Lots of pretty looking people and fun times.

    Have fun!

  10. Lucky you!! Have an amazing time xx.

  11. Ohhhh I couch surfed for a week in Stockholm in 2008, best week of my life! I don't remember too much about sight seeing, but staying with locals, I had an awesome time clubbing every night... and a little bit of local roooomance too hee hee hee. Oh yeah, and you have to have to have to have a chai latte in a little orange building on a square right near the palace. Ahhhhh you'll have an amazing time :-)

  12. oh lord that blazer is BLAZIN
    and I love the knit sweater with the zipper, such a small detail but goes a long way!

  13. Anonymous5:13 pm GMT

    try and go to the Archipelagos they are beautiful and so remote

  14. Anonymous8:04 pm GMT

    PUB - main department store is worth a look. Not in the same laegue as major department stores of london and paris, etc - but is a bit more stylish/quirky/libertyesque.

  15. omg i think in stayed in that hostel! city backpackers? they have a nice cafe too for fika-ing!! i did massive posts on stockholm maybe they will help you! i only stayed in the main town with incredible H&Ms and the weekday store, and then you get the very easy to use metro to the old town for monki! i was only armed with a google map and it was a great city to navigate! can't wait to read your posts about it!p.s. might be useful to note the central station has massive lockers for luggage, might have guessed but maybe it will come in handy to know!

  16. Anonymous3:35 pm GMT

    I live in Stockholm so if you got any questions just ask!
    Theres so many things to see but you allready have gotten good tips!
    Its incredibly beautiful here right now with all the trees coverd in hard rime even though the summertime is the best here.
