Monday, January 25, 2010

sunday night


Tomorrow I'm off to Paris. Feeling a wee bit unprepared as it's after midnight and I'm yet to pack and sort out all of the tedious paperwork that accompanies modern day flying. I have on the other hand had a lovely evening at mine, served up big dishes of lasagne to friends (mix of best friends and some interesting new ones). We shared our appreciation for, politically incorrect jokes, me and Josh had some geeky chat exchanging our love for Haw-Lin and Christo and Jeanne-Claude while Jo chuckled at our schoolchild-ish excitement. We'll meet same time next week at mine with plans to have a merry lunch, all mucking in and saying goodbye before Josh goes to Borneo for a few months and myself and Jo head off to Stockholm for a quick break.

Posting may resume while I am away, who knows. Taking the laptop with me so that in between visiting Versailles and Père Lachaise Cemetery (and wherever else, we have a long list of 'to-sees' but please recommend where you see fit!), myself and Joanna can plan our trip to America this Spring.

So I may be back tomorrow or indeed in a week..


  1. shakespeare & co. bookstore
    falafel and vintage shopping in the marais
    gelato at amorino's
    musee marmottan
    musee gustave moreau
    mosquee de paris

    have a fantastic trip!

  2. Hope you have a lovely time!!

  3. Ah, thank you Annie!
    Already had Shakespeare and Co as a to-do but adding the rest to my list, especially like the sounds of gelato at amorino's, but that's no surprise as I'm a massive foodie!


  4. Love the first photo! The look on the lady's face is classic :)

  5. Have fun in Paris!!


  6. oh paris! you're going to have such a marvellous time. :) hmmm im sure your list is full to the brim already, but yes pere lachaise is a must, it's such an experience, if very troubling to navigate... and shakespeare and co gets a second recommendation from me, coolest bookstore in the world i have to say.

    i would suggest the place des vosges in the marais - the marais is great for shopping, it has the isabel marant store etc, and the place des vosges is the most glorious little square, walled in by typical beaux arts apartments (victor huge wrote les miserables in one of them!) and there are art galleries and little cafes there, very tranquil. there is a laduree in the marais too which is, of course, a must.

    the dries van noten store is also really cool, it's on Quai Malaquais in the 6th and has the most incredible architecture and design, all light filled and concrete.. even if dries isn't your thing it's cool just to visit. and near there is Alcazar which is this old jazz club given the terence conran treatment, very cool for brunch and/or cocktails. :)

    oooh have the best time! so jealous!!!


  7. Oh my! Please take LOADS of photos! Everywhere I can! I miss Paris so much!

    juliet xxx

  8. Musée Rodin very romantic place¡
    The Bristol for the tea time¡
    I love Paris¡
    have a nice trip¡

  9. eat lots of macaroons!!!!! :P lucky u!

  10. Have a lovely time! I watched Paris J'etaime the other night and am now desperate to go back to Paris.
    Claire ( gave me some amazing parisian recommendations. There's some awesome vintage shops and an epic magazine shop in Le Marais district!


  11. Ohh wow Paris! You are so lucky. It is one of the most amazing places there are. I hope you have an amazing time, Stevie, and enjoy yourself so very much! And Stockholm're quite the chic traveller ;) Stockholm is a gorgeous place've got some great weeks ahead of you. Take care xoxo

  12. i'm going to paris next weekend! i can't wait hehe, hope you have an amazing time :)

  13. Enjoy Paris, lovely lovely place. And thanks for a great blog :)


  14. Aww Paris. I'm jealous. Take lots of photos to show us :)

  15. yes, walking around the marais is amazing. the vintage stores are amazing and so cheap.
    and the picasso museum is closed for rennovations until 2012-just so ya know!

  16. I am writing to tell you that I had to shut down my old blog due to personal reasons, but I have started a new one, posting under the new link above and under the name "tess."

    please stop by!


  17. omg i'm so jealous! you MUST go to Cafe de Flore on Saint Germain for croque monsieurs (most famous cafe in paris), Reciproque on Rue de la Pompe, there are three vintage shops next and opposite one another selling racks and racks of vintage chanel, YSL, givenchy etc, some really good bargains. also go to le timbre (translates to stamp), the cutest restaurant on rue sainte-beuve which does delicious food at dirt-cheap prices and if you can go see the showgirls/circus/cabaret at il lido on Champs Élysées, they have a prancing pony and a hydraulic stage that changes from an ice rink to a trampoline to an egyptian monument. incredible.
    have fun! x

  18. Just found your blog (via and love it already!

    So lucky to be going to Paris - hope you're having fun! I'm booking a flight tonight for May but that it just too long!!! Pere lachaise is such a wonderful experience.

  19. Jealous! I was just talking to my boyfriend about flying to Paris. I think this is a sign.

    P.S. Versailles is beautiful!

    Bon voyage.

  20. Agree with fashion tidbits - hundreds of macaroons!! Have a great trip x

  21. love your blog!
    im following.
    Please check out my blog, im brand new.

    thx! ciao

  22. love the first picture !

  23. Hmm Paris! would recommend you really walked around to find all the hidden treasures.

    However you should really check out tiquetonne street: has tons of vintage ateliers.

    Some advice: be cautious about going into some shops that look cool because they might be private showings & it's pretty embarassing when the bouncer shows you the way out (talk from personal exp.)

    have fun! + if you haven't done so already, check out the fashion spot's shopping in Paris thread.. it has tons of ideas..

  24. I'm a bit of a silent lurker, but thought I'd comment as I went to Paris just before Christmas (Eurostar nightmare included!). I'd recommmend the Maison Europeenne de la Photographie on the rue de Fourcy, their Delpire & Cie exhibition is really good and on till Jan 2010. Also the Jim Hodges exhibition Love etc. at the Pompidou Centre is also worth a visit. Le Marais, like others have said, is SO good for the shops, the food and the occasional street style photographer. And if the weather's nice the flea markets out in Clignancourt is good, just for a wander as the prices are pretty steep. Hope you have a brilliant time, it's an amazing city!

  25. amazing-have an incredible time-lovely pics xx

  26. asudsklajdklasjdklasd
    haha, really, lucky you!
    have a great time!


  27. You lucky lucky person. have a lovely time. Lamebook never fails to raise a giggle, honestly the mind boggles, there are some strange people around.

  28. the Luxembourg gardens.

  29. Have a nice trip! Paris is such a beautiful town. Hope you enjoy it :)

  30. oh you're in PARIS! don't worry about blogging!!!!!!! have a marvelllous time!

  31. I do love the first photo, it is fantastic!

  32. have a nice trip, paris is amazing.
    i love the first pic

  33. you have such great photo selection!!!
