With my dire 'just back from traveling' state of finances, spending has turned into a luxury. The fact that Summer seems to have arrived (or did the Californian desert confuse my internal thermostat?) helps as bringing a bottle of homemade sweet tea to a outdoor friend date over buying a coffee is perfectly appealing. So while my wish to leave it a couple of weeks before returning to work has left me much more relaxed I am somewhat poorer! But poor in a romantic way, you must understand. Magazines and spontaneous charity shop stops are however being sacrificed for now.
I met up with my dear friend Ellis yesterday (you may remember we went to Stockholm together) for a novel drink and as soon as the utterance 'Shall we pop to the charity shops?' escaped her lips I felt like an addict with blurred rationale. 'Yes, but Ellis don't let me buy anything. I mean it.' Her silence spoke a thousand words and half an hour later I left the place with two items and a guilty sense of satisfaction. She had suggested the first item to me (which I'm wearing in the photograph). One of our shared loves is the sheer black blouse, an item we have together discovered is very easy to find in second hand shops. My response to the embroidery however was a sort of "blah 'florals'" shrug until I considered it worn with a little leather skirt for a Christopher Kane spin. The advantage of my current nicely browned legs and an unusual outfit for warm summer evenings out won me over and after wearing it all day with my high waisted jeans I'm glad I did. Let the hunt for a black leather skirt worn for evening ciders on our boat commence. Here's to unsupportive friends and lapses in willpower!
"get it, and regret it" is my motto...yay for being as broke as a joke!!
P.S. it was totally worth it.
Pretty. ANd you must show us an outfit post. Pretty brown legs included :)
i loooove this shirt! would look perfect with a little leather skirt (or even, dare i say it, shorts?)
welcome back. i'm glad you had a blast in america! (and i understand your lack of funds, i'm still smarting from my new york holiday...)
beautiful top!
think i'm gonna go search out some embroidery myself actually...
am only just now seeing this post now...why, i dunno BUT i had a near exact outing myself today. sheer blouse bought, and guilt pangs of needing to save save save for my own upcoming expensive travels (which we needs chats about! dying to lay out some plans avec toi!)
mucho love mate! X
oooh hell yea this blouse is great, what a find! you've given me the urge to charity shop for sure, and i need leather shorts or a leather skirt so badly, though the stuff on the high street at the mo is too expensive for me, sobsob
The Colour From The4 First Runway Look Reminds Me Of The Miu Miu 'Cat' Collar
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