Friday, April 23, 2010


i'm back on hometurf.
bye bye to pancake breakfasts.
bye bye the lovely New York Times.
bye bye to five minutes of repeating 'Joanna, wake up.. Joanna, wake up' in addition to her alarm every morning.
bye bye to handwashing knickers.
bye bye to bleary eyed nighttime sessions of watching CNN in hushed Greyhound stations.
bye bye to wearing the same pair of cut off shorts every. single. day.
bye bye to couchsurfing friends made along the day.
bye bye to 20% tipping culture.
bye bye to map reading.
bye bye to piggly wiggly.
bye bye to denny's. we really, really loved you.
bye bye to singing superfast jellyfish in unison.

I guess this is where things go back to normal? Joanna and I shall return to our own cities and phone calls shall resume in place of 24/7 company. I'm currently running on adrenaline with jet lag and one hour of kip converging to create a feeling of almost drunk sleepy haze. Time to throw myself into my closet, running my fingers through the multiple morning dressing options I've been reunited with. And snooze.

I miss you already America. Hand on heart I really do. But I'd forgotten I owned these many shoes!


  1. so sad I didn't get to meet you!
    I thought I saw you one day but then it definitely wasn't

  2. ohhhh...I´m sure it was the best experience ever...

    I have to do something like that sometime...

  3. Awww this hurts my heart! So sweetly written. Ironically, I just got back from your country and am missing it equally as much as you miss mine.

    Passport Smiles

  4. oh.. the joy of travelling :)

  5. Great to have you back!

    juliet xxx

  6. Anonymous5:52 pm BST

    Sad I didn't get to meet you while you were in Brooklyn but so glad you enjoyed yourself! One day I swear I'll road trip around the US...

  7. I'm just catching up on blogs now and didn't realise you had been in America all this time.... ! Hope you had an amazing time and of course...welcome back!

  8. Oww lovely things will never get back to normal! You'll definitely sink back into everyday UK life, you'll get used to the people, the food, the weather, the radio, the sounds, the smells, everything you could possibly see or hear or feel - but you'll never lose that sense of adventure and accomplishment! I know how you're feeling, I not long ago came back from a long trip across China. Cherish the memories, and plan the next one! :) ♥

  9. I miss you already America. Hand on heart I really do --> Aww you're cute :)

  10. i've broke my google reader rules and had a browse at your posts, i know these were from ages ago but was really cool to have a peek at your trip, sounds amazing! really something i'll be everyone would love to do but you went for it, bet you have some crazy stories to tell that aren't blog friendly hehe!
