Tuesday, April 20, 2010


We've reached our final destination of our USA trip. Which is a bittersweet fact in itself but the mood is so upbeat after a lovely few days at Coachella that it doesn't matter and dare I say it, we're feeling ready to leave. Much time was spent with Patrice over the past few days (four performances, four car journeys, two trips to Dennys, one viewing of Pretty in Pink and one trip to Sprinkles worth to be exact) who stole the show at Coachella with her pretty homemade feather headdress. It was actually the first time meeting her (though in that typical 21st century style of 'internet' friendship I've known her for a while through Abby.) and Joanna and I were most sad to have to say goodbye to her at the Greyhound station in Los Angeles yesterday. Back to Coachella; Phoenix, Gorillaz, Vampire Weekend were all amazing. The three of us played Thomas Mars VS Damon Albarn. Thomas was in the lead after the Phoenix performance (if you ever get the chance I insist you see them, their music is really best listened to live and you'll fall in love with Thomas on stage) until Damon sang his duet with Yukimi Nagano during the Gorillaz set and their chemistry caused the cutest most romantic goosebump inspiring moment. We three are unanimous that while Thomas is gorgeous and French and sensitive, Damon has that rougher persona that suggests he might conk somebody on the nose for you. Which I suppose is an attractive quality?
Joanna is sitting on the bed watching me type and tapping her fingers with impatience to go and explore San Francisco so I must wrap it up. Here are few of Patrice's pictures from the weekend. As a photographer she carried five cameras around without fail so many were taken and are yet to come. Eyjafjallajökul's insistence on messing us about means we are unsure whether our flight scheduled for Thursday will go ahead. This would have been fine by a us a few days ago but after making extensive to-do lists during our 10 hour Greyhound trip to San Francisco we're now more enthusiastic about the prospect of returning home.

PS, you won't be surprised to hear that Coachella was a feast for the eyes in terms of beautifully outfitted girls. If you ever lose your style mojo, you know where to go..


  1. so jealous of everyone who went to coachella! i also love the way people dress at music festivals.

  2. Anonymous8:51 pm BST

    lucky you! i want to go to coachella sometime!!

  3. lovely snapS !
    so very too much envious of you. going to coachella.. im just gonna stay sour for a while

    xx ediot

  4. cant believe you were there...you are so lucky!!!!

  5. your images are the sweetest

  6. coachella was lovely im so close to it i didnt go this year luck tho!!!

  7. Yay post more photos! Did you see celebs? :)

  8. STEVIE! your legs actually...dare i say...make me want to sit for hours in the sun to get a colour as lovely and bronze as yours.

    and knowing me - that wasn't easy to say! aha.

    missss yooooou! x

  9. ah i'm very envious! coachella sounds just incredible.
    glad this crazy ashcloud hasn't effected your travels too much


  10. you're so lucky had a chance to go to coachella. i wanted to go there but the distance couldnt agree more with me. haha.

    visit my blog on

  11. hiii, after reading what you have been doing on your trip around the USA im really interested in doing the same thing. So I was wondering if i could ask you a cheeky question. How much, approximatly was it to do what you have done including coachella (im dying to go!)? I will be on a strict budget if i do the same.
    Im so glad to hear Phoenix were good, im seeing them at leeds in the summer and cant wait! Ive got serious love for them :)

  12. beautiful pics! :D

  13. O Coachella hope you had hella lots of fun love x
