Tuesday, May 18, 2010

gordy bee


In response to the "oh, Gordon" and "hey Gord" comments of endearment in the Style Notes for Guys post..

And can we please all take note of the 'Gordon for me' tee shirts worn by the three particularly dashing girls? This was a part of his campaign to be Rector back in University. If anybody had caught wind of these badboys for the 2010 election I'd say David Cameron would be weeping into an English Breakfast ('on wholewheat please, Arabella') as we speak. That or he and Clegg wouldn't be getting quite so clammy handed over each other.

Ah, who'd have thought it, a Gordon Brown retrospective on Discotheque Confusion?
Love you, man.


  1. oh my god he looked even weirder when he was younger...

  2. Gordon Brown is a legend... you're right - if he'd had these tshirts in circulation this time round, it might have been a different story!


  3. Anonymous12:08 pm BST

    haha, this is great!

  4. Anonymous4:18 pm BST

    I think peoples' perceptions of him have been so clouded due to the media's unfair portrayal. I am not his number one fan, however, he represents a type of non-flashy, intellectual politics that I admire.

  5. Bless 'is cottons, Gormless Gordy.

  6. wish we had polticians like that. honestly.

  7. since I am not British, I only know the basics about Gordon Brown, but this post was truly adorable. He was kind of cute back in the day haha

  8. You have just altered my way of thinking - I had no idea it was possible for someone so socially awkward and impressively unattractive in adulthood, to have been THIS GODDAMN HOT in his younger years.

    I want to take back everything I have ever said (about his looks).

    I actually fancy Gordon Brown. WTF? How can this happen.

    Oh my god.

  9. where can i get my hands on one of these t-shirts? they're AMAZING.

  10. Big 'G' was a legend and didn't deserve that kicking he got from the press in that election. Good post on the big man!

    Oh and more style notes for guys when you get a minute please, ta.



  11. hahaha aww this is so cute stevie, love it.

  12. Oh my God. This is amazing. We are obsessed with Gordon. We're always trying to convince people that he's hot! Lx.

  13. Wow... Looks like he may have been a bit of a heartbreaker back in the day! What happened?

  14. Definitely not what expected to find scrolling down your blog LOL but amazing nonetheless!!

  15. Total secret crush on Gordy! Totally handsome man! Hear hear to a brilliant post! x

  16. i really love gordon brown and i was totally devastated that britain went for 2 PR boys over a passionate, dedicated man. seriously, if i could build a politician it would be him!

    then again, i have always been a die hard labour supporter and an even BIGGER gordon fan... i definately need to get my hands on one of those tee shirts!!
