Sunday, May 23, 2010


Usually I'm perfectly happy moseying about on my own. I'm the type of person that prefers a solo shopping trip and I enjoy having the house to myself so that I may potter about safe in the knowledge that I can coordinate mealtimes to my liking and read the papers in my knickers if I so desire. However since getting back from America I've been socially immersing myself and have been filled with a feeling I can't quite put my finger on so that when I'm alone I don't quite feel content. It's most out of character but in a way it's nice because it's meant I've been spending lots of time with my friends. Pretty much everyday has been spent by the waterfront outside the local arts centre where handsome men congregate on their bikes and friends dangle their feet by the water edge.

Yesterday was no exception and with a whole day ahead of me and no plans I called Josh to see if he wanted to hang out. We sat in the sun watching girls wash the roof of their canal boat, chatting and having a vague flick through the papers. I'd bought a bottle of homemade sweet tea with me and took some photos on the Olympus XA2 that he's lent me, occasionally asking stupidly obvious questions about film.

So a lovely day all in all and then I headed down the train station where the
University of the West of England was putting on it's Graduate show. Fellow blogger (and Celine enthusiast) Charlie May was showing so I took myself off in my new suede jacket (which despite the current heatwave I refuse to take off) to coo over the mini collections that had been put together.


  1. sweet photos... i love flying solo if i'm going shopping or just lazying around but if i see other people having fun with their friends i get jealous and call someone, haha.

  2. Anonymous2:44 pm BST

    Your hair colour is gorgeous! I want to dye mine next week a bit lighter for summer. What dye is it exactly?

    Nice jacket too :)

  3. Love your outfits and I enjoyed reading your post; I think we all have both sides to us... I can't decide which side I'd more of. It changes. Anyway, you don't care lol... I love the reflection of your bedroom in the mirror in the second picture!

  4. lol cute and fun shot i getting fun too : )

  5. Love the Suede jacket...I wouldn't take it off either! SarahD

  6. i agree your hair colour is gorgeous, it looks really light here, i think with black eyebrows i'm destined for a lifetime of brown hair!!

  7. i'm the same way - i always prefer doing shopping on my own.

    i love that large chalkboard in the background!

  8. Great the leopard print too.

  9. Anonymous10:20 am BST

    I like so much the 3th photo!!!

  10. Seeing what you wear is always a treat, part An Education and part Jane Birkin, the suede coat is fantastic (another great charity shop find?).

    I think the weather is a little too nice at the moment to spend in solitude (though I do enjoy lounging on my garden with a book and smell my neighbours burnt barbeque..)

    ps: and just noticed, but thank you for the May Best Read mention!

  11. Oh my, that is one HUGE bottle of sweet tea :)
