Monday, May 10, 2010

three things

three things that I bought today:
+dr bronner's peppermine magic soap
+topshop nail polish in parma violet
+topshop nail polish in nice 'n' neutral

bish bash bosh, done.

Today saw my first trip back to Topshop since traveling. I had to officially leave in order to go to America but was assured by the manager that I could get my job back. So after a fortnight or so of lie ins, much blogging (as you may have noticed), and the start of raised eyebrows from my Mother I popped in to declare myself available for as many shifts as possible. I hung out in the staff room for a good half an hour or so chatting with the girls, catching up with the gossip (we're all a very tight knit group on my floor) and somehow learning along the way that if you eat 7 bananas in one day you will die of potassium poisoning (I'll take that one with a pinch of salt..). Made me realise that although not having to work is lovely, I really do miss them all. Also popped into American Apparel hoping to see Geordie Sophie but alas it must have been her day off. Never mind, I left with a mini bottle of peppermint magic soap after getting used to it in America. Everyone we stayed with seemed to own a bottle. (hmm, maybe Couchsurfing and Dr Bronner have a secret tie..) The busy bottles really take bathroom reading to the next level.


  1. I'm actually live in Newport Beach, which is about an hour north of San Diego. You were close!

  2. Haha, yep, got a bottle of that magic soap in my bathroom as we speak. Maybe a lot of us just had hippie parents who raised us on it? I do like some of the other scents, but only the peppermint has that tingle...

  3. i heard it was if you eat 10 bananas in a row you pass out...

  4. Topshop! *heart*
    The parma violet is fab, I have it too. :)

  5. everyone is getting these nail varnishes cant wait to see how they look on everyone! God! 7 banannas a day could kill you! What about if you seriously like banannas lol! Your friend works in AA? Very jealous haha
    - Adele

  6. Hmm magic soap. Will have to scout our local malls for that brand :)

  7. That picture looks totally dodgy! hahaha


  8. is the topshop make up any good? because i want to spend all my money on it, it's so damn cheap!! the lip colours look absolutely divine..

