Wednesday, June 30, 2010

5 days in angus

I'm off to Scotland for a few days. My best friend's mum is getting married to a lovely Salmon Farmer so I'm heading up to Angus for a few days to stay at Lily's country pad before the Wedding.
This is after stopping over in Edinburgh tonight to see Joanna for the first time since we said goodbye at Heathrow Airport after our 7 weeks around America. Please note that most of my friends do not have country houses; Lily is the brilliant exception. I'm relishing the idea of a few days of reading, no phone signal and last minute prepping before the homebased ceremony on Saturday. Her traveling around India means I haven't seen Lily for 8 months, so I can't wait for a lovely tight reunion hug.

Now all I have to do is finish the tedious task of packing. Does anybody in the world actually enjoy packing? I really am curious.

On a side note, I bought this very sweet lunchbox/flask set from eBay this morning. September may be a while off yet but I'm starting to feel the rumblings of that excitable back to school feeling. It's amazing what a gap year and university on the horizon can do for kick starting education enthusiasm..!Bv-GQWQCGk~$(KGrHqMOKjkEwQgMlCE+BMG0YFFwMQ~~_35.JPG


  1. ah yes i just got back from my friend's "farm" and it sounds so silly to be like "yes my friend has a farm"... the exception of course!

    your jacket looks incredible, i love those rolled up sleeves - my favourite thing! have fun in scotland, i'm very jealous, i love it there. i spent 2 perfect months aged 15 in scotland and it was completely, completely wonderful. enjoy!


  2. Anonymous3:39 pm BST

    why do you have your passport if you are going to scotland?

  3. I actually enjoy packing... It is quite embarrassing.
    However, not as embarrassing as the fact I also get excited about going back to school after the holidays. Yet, I cannot possibly think about that right now as I am just desperate to get out of school!
    UO x

  4. send me a postcard, will you? miss you...


  5. Stumbled upon your blog not too long ago and I must say it is quite fantastic!
    Enjoy your travels!

  6. I want to come up with a clever remark about "swimming upstream" but nothing's coming. It's the thought that counts, right? Have a great time!

  7. Love buying the stuff for the packing...The actual physical packing..Not so much haha.
    I was just wondering, what made you choose Manc uni (is it the university of Manchester you're going to btw?)? Sorry about this, i'm currently looking at uni's and finding it difficult to decide where to go.

    Lola. x

  8. I can't stand packing because I always have thet nagging feeling that I've forgetting something.

  9. I actually do enjoy packing! Well, the clothes part anyway. I tend to get excited about my trip, thinking about all the different things I'm planning to do in the outfits I pack....

    When it comes to toiletries etc though it gets tedious. Like, you always think you're finished but it's all the little bits and bats that take the time.

    Hate panicking about baggage restrictions too. The only airline that flies from my current location to my hometown is Ryanair.... They are the bane of my existence!

  10. the lunchbox is so cute! and have fun in scotland:)
    I really like your blog....are you interested in switching links?

  11. Me! Me! I enjoy packing! :)

    Have fun in the summer cottage. :)

  12. Ah your going to my neck of the woods, well kind of, im Glasgow not Edinburgh!
    Love your jacket, perfect for the weather we are having up here too!

  13. hi, i reaaly like your blog! nice pics! i would really like if you would visit my blog and if you want of course be one of my followers..
    kisses have a nice day

  14. Some people on my mums side owned a family farm, and my mum used to grow up on another farm. They sold both of them but I remember visiting them when I was a kid. You will have so much fun seeing your friends again and going to a wedding. If your luchbox was blue I would like it more idk why I just like blue. Ok sorry for being random byee

  15. enjoy your trip

    great blog, love your style <3
