Tuesday, August 31, 2010

mundane is lovely


Today has been an immensely lazy day. It started on the sofa underneath my duvet catching up on recorded episodes of The Culture Show. Then, hoorah, my green cord Jamie trousers from Topshop.com arrived. After writing the previous post, I thought about trainers and how they'd look quite cool with the new jamies and then had a brainwave remembering my old loved reeboks in the back of my wardrobe. (unworn since my first year of sixth form). I drank quite a few cups of coffee from this mug which my Mum gave me for my birthday; it's an illustration of the view from the park beside our house so that I can drink from it and think of home when I'm at University (in only a couple of weeks!). I rediscovered how perfect biscuits from Aldi (or Lidl) are when dipped in coffee. I washed my bedding and then hung it outside on the line. I noticed the autumn nip in the air. I meant to list some old clothes on eBay but ended up buying a secondhand canon camera instead. I reheated last night's prawn, mint and broad bean risotto for lunch. and then again for tea. Ah, the most delicious of mundane days spent at home.


  1. I've been telling myself I didn't need khaki cords (only because I'd bought the indigo ones)...

    BUT i've been living a lie. I need those! Love them with the fluffy jumper and old trainers too.

  2. Those cords are immensely good! Are they even up on the site now, I can't see a green cord pair?

    Liking the simple trainer look too. Also, how unprepared are you for uni? EEK.


  3. sounds sooo lovely and reebok classics are totally ... well, classic! haha xx

  4. I see you had a very lazy day...so envious! lol

    So did u manage to put your clothes on ebay yet? you could swap them to get even better clothes, you know?
    You can check my blog for more details :)

    First time here, will be back

  5. lovely



  6. I think I'm going to order those trousers in indigo!
    Where did you get that awesome sweater? I've been looking for a sweater with elbow pads for quite some now!;)

  7. claire, they're under 'khaki' on the site though really they're more green in the flesh.

    and heart in a cage the jumper is actually topshop from last year but you should be able to find something similar in thrift shops/eBay/etsy. alternatively you could try a craft shop or haberdashery for elbow patches which you can sew on yourself.
