Saturday, August 07, 2010

saturday 7th

Since looking at my work rota and seeing Saturday 7th August was a gorgeously blank anomaly amongst a calendar of full weekends I have been very excited. I know, simple pleasures. Sadly awaking feeling poorly put the kibosh on my plans to see Inception and cross things off of my hideously long to-do list. But fresh air is needed and so I'm wrapping up (even if that's completely unneccessary in August) and trying my chances at the local charity shops. I bought these brown Jamie jeans on uniform at work this week after spending lots of hours lusting over them.


  1. cooooooooool post!

    so lovely pics!!!!!!!


  2. too hot where i am at the moment to think jeans, but those brown ones look really good on you. well chosen, love the ...warm colour;)

  3. I have those jamie jeans!! Most scrumptious shade of camel.

  4. its like 100 degrees here wish I could wear a sweater and pants. Nice post :)

  5. LOVE the outfit...i got those Jamies on uniform too this week!

  6. You look simply fantastic. I'm really fond of corduory this autumn, just waiting for the weather to get cold enough to wear these.

    and thank you for the recommendation on Strangelands, I'm fascinated by Tracey Emin so I must check that out. It's funny but her art kind of remind of blogging, before the kind of no holds barred, self confessional/promotional culture becomes popular on the internet..
