Thursday, August 12, 2010


my love for this girl grows more by the day. also please note how hair-crush-worthy her barnet is.
she was the cover girl for a Topshop zine we had in store a few months back and I tried (and failed) to recreate her (then) enviable two-tone do. shall have to dig around my drawers and fine a copy to scan.
oh and she was a film student before becoming a model. yeah, let the cool barometer riiise.


  1. I love that first pic of her - - that skirt is epic. Why oh why doesnt she have a blog!! ck :) x

  2. the two-tone do is quite a toughy to pull, id say you didnt too a bad job!
    looking forward to meeting you at the yard sale.
    x fi

  3. gorgeous pics... what a free spirit.

  4. I looove Tati. She look so fresh and cute.

  5. Anonymous12:27 am BST

    I am loving all the models with freckles at the moment! Makes mine feel loved :) Been a lurker for a while, but thought I should come out of the shadows - your blog has been inspiring me for years! Actually just did a post on a 'woman crush', inspired by your 'girl crush' posts which I always LOVE - I'm hoping for 2010 round-up of girl crushes like you did for 2009!

  6. TATIIIIIII!!! you gotta love her!! she's one heck of the most amazing model I've ever known ;D

  7. Anonymous5:36 pm BST

    Great pics of her, she's seems like an amazing girl!

  8. i love her. she works two-tone with brunette hair which makes me more confident to attempt to recreate! x

  9. i love the freckless on her face!
    i think girls with freckless are awesome!

  10. She is so cool! Thanks for showing :)

  11. Charlotte12:08 am BST

    I love her! Total burgeoning crush on her at the moment, I'm going to cut my hair soon to her mid-length length, she and Freja are completely influencing me, swwoooooonnnn.

    P.s. - Love your blog! x

  12. seeing her hair makes me feel better about mine. she pulls it off so well (:
    you've got a very cool blog!
