Thursday, September 16, 2010

and onto chapter two

These are (in order) my 'leaving for university in the morning' emotions.
There are lots of things that I'm going to be really sorry to leave behind but after my spell of melancholy yesterday, some pep talks from friends and an I Ching reading from my Granny over lunch (!) I've rediscovered that feeling of excitement and anticipation about what lies ahead.

And you know what lies ahead don't you? At least a week of erratic and meagre blogging. I apologise in advance, for real, I wish I could get into the swing of things with some regular blogging again but I unless I want to encourage names like 'laptop friend' from my prospective flatmates I ought to operate a strict door wedged open, laptop lid closed policy. I know the next fortnight is a period of transition for lots of other people off to University so best of luck if you too are flying the nest!

Peace out Bristol, I'm going to miss you.


  1. Chapter two is really, really good (yet a lot of hard work waits you so be prepared) but overall these are the "good years", so enjoy them!
    Chapter three is really nice too though :)
    Good luck with everything!

  2. Aw man, good luck!! Have fun!! See you on the flip side :n )

  3. Anonymous11:03 am BST

    Good luck! I don't think anyone exactly 'enjoys' the first week of uni because it's all so new and intense so mum-style advice is probably the most useful: eat proper food and try and take it all as it comes. I'm off to uni this week too but admittedly not for the first time so it's a bit less intimidating/thrilling.

  4. No need to worry, you'll absolutely love it. I started uni two years ago in Manchester. Moving all the way from Exeter, it was scary at first being so far away but the best/nicest people I've met have been from Manchester. The city is just amazing for fashion, night life...everything really.
    All I'd say is involve yourself in anything and everything, you'll meet so many people!

    Good luck!
    Cassie @

  5. Anonymous4:09 pm BST

    Good luck good luck good luck! Enjoy enjoy enjoy!

  6. Anonymous9:50 pm BST

    how did you get your blog layout? im trying to find one exact to this with a wide blogging space and small side colum!

  7. ah good luck :) i hope you have good flatmates - it makes all the difference. what are you studying? sorry im sure you've mentioned that before...

  8. Oh, this must be so exciting for you. Make sure to keep blogging and to let us know what it's like there. I just love your blog btw.
    All the best

  9. Love that jumper. Very Stella me-thinks. So lovely to see you yesterday and best of luck with chapter two xxx

  10. good luck. you'll have a blast!

  11. Anonymous12:06 am BST

    all the luck in the world. I'm sure you're having an amazing time already - you're very lucky to be a student in Manchester! And you make me feel old - I think I started following your blog when I starting university and I graduated this year....

  12. lust lust lusting the stripped oversized sweater :) I wear my boyfriends and it's the most comfortable thing ever!

  13. I hope all is going well in Manchester for you, I bet you're really enjoying it! The next chapter is always daunting but I'm sure you've found that you are too busy enjoying yourself to be missing home!

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  15. Sorry if this sounds weird, but I really like how your eyebrows look. I've always wished for mine to be more prominent..
