Sunday, October 24, 2010

that's what she said

picture scanned by gossiping on TFS.

I don't know why it came as a surprise to hear these words come from Alexa Chung's mouth, as if she is some sub-human species whose life is void of wardrobe crises, but well, it did. 

On how she gets dressed: Sometimes I've seen someone rad in the street or I try to assemble my version of their outfit. Or I'll have watched a movie that inspired me, usually from the 1960s. Sometimes it's just what's clean and available.

Oh jeez Louise, she's just like us. She comes across very well (again, hardly a surprise is it?) interviewed by the brilliant Avril Mair in the November issue of UK ELLE, more grown up and content, less of the self deprecation but still plenty of enthusiasm for pony skin floppy hats and Barbour jackets.


  1. It's refreshing knowing Alexa is just like any other girl. It gives me hope. For marriage, that is.
    I also love the title. I played the "that's what she said" game for as long as my brain allowed me.


  2. She is so beautiful. I love her style.

  3. When I read that part in the ELLE I thought 'hey, that's the exact same thing I do!' funny how everyone basically is the same


  4. As much as I'd love to dismiss her as a cliche "It" girl, I can't help but adore her! She just seems very genuine.
