Monday, November 29, 2010

cheers now

Just wanted to say a quick little thank you for all of the lovely comments left in response to the Vice Style video. I really had been nervous in the lead up to it going online and getting such a warm response made me feel even more gushy (if that's possible) about the blogging community. I love finding out about all the interesting and charming people that read my blog by reading the comments left and sometimes it'll even lead me on to discover brilliant new reads (in this case Samantha of Zelig and Jessica i'm looking at you).

To those wondering the nail varnish I was wearing (and which is still chipping from my fingers as I type-though that says more about my lazy reapplying skills than the polish itself) is Rimmel London in Rose Libertine. Sadly I've no idea what I was wearing on my lips. Maybe just a gloss? And the leopard number was a cute skater dress they had for sale at Dirty Blonde, the shop I was nosing around. 

Eenyway, once again thank you, you lovely bunch!


  1. you have cheered up my essay writing day up no end!!! thank you so much for the mention!

  2. Anonymous3:24 pm GMT

    Thank you for your kind words! I only started it 3 weeks ago...Chuffed you like it!

    Fashion Coordinator
    Brighton Fashion Week

    Big Love BFW xxxx
