Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Holy macaroni. I've been so nervous about seeing the results of this Love Blogging video that I shot with Vice a month ago. Danielle who is the mastermind behind the project has done such a great job on all five videos. As somebody who has been blogging for a long time (and the fact that it feels completely second nature) it's quite easy to plod along without really thinking about what it all means to me and these videos reiterate that; the fact that the focus these days is on real people -blogging has helped fashion to become more diplomatic and to champion the individual and that's such a brilliant thing. Aye, spiel over.. 
Don't forget to play word bingo if you watch my video, I'm going to have to find a way to scrap the phrase 'kind of' from my daily vocab.

You can watch the video here.


  1. The video is great. May i ask what shop are they filming in?, bristol or manchester?

  2. It's actually in London, it's called Dirty Blonde on Cheshire Street. Quite small, but lots of fantastic sheepskin coats! X

  3. That was lovely! It's so nice to hear you speak! and I do hope blogging continues to put real people into the spotlight and open up the fashion industry

  4. loved the video! especially everything you said, way to go for not refering to just bloggers who go to all the fashion shows and get magazine coverage or just famous people with blogs, blog lovers will know it's all about the bloggers who do it from their bedrooms, i essentially love peeking at another 'real' person's style diary. great repping of the blog world! fab!xx

  5. is that an ysl ring :O lovely!

  6. You did a great job, you're a very eloquent speaker. And never mind word bingo, you're the only one to notice it! I also found very interesting your approach to blogging, and how it democratizes fashion and fashion criticism, well said!

  7. yours was the love blogging video i was most looking forward to and it didn't disappoint! what was the leopard print thing you were looking at?

  8. Anonymous8:47 pm GMT

    The video confirmed for me that you are a really cool person as I suspected. I love your comfortable, relaxed style and i actually read what you write beneath the pictures which I rarely do on other blogs. Even though my taste in clothes are a bit different than yours, I really enjoy reading your posts

    Love from Denmark

  9. Anonymous8:53 pm GMT

    Loved it; it was much better than i thought it would be as you were very articulate in your responses. plus, the clothes you were picking out were just gorgeous and i think i spotted a YSL arty ring?! very nice, please keep it up ;)

  10. Ooh loved watching this. Agree, the whole series is ace. Glad they chose you x

  11. Anonymous10:48 pm GMT

    i have to say i LOVED seeing you on video :D you did really good!
    oh and that coat you picked out was yummy :)

  12. Anonymous10:53 pm GMT

    ah, the video is great! love your style (both in writing & fashion) and you should do more videos, you're very articulate :)
    it's so much fun to hear/see bloggers speaking/moving.

  13. Anonymous11:00 pm GMT

    wow, congratulations! the video is, as rose said, great.

    it was amazing how the person i imagined in my head fit the image/voice i saw in the video...your writing style really brings your personality through.

  14. Woah, you're voice is so different than I thought it would be. It's a gorgeous video! Congrats!

  15. brillant! i agree with everything you said. you come across very nice :) keep it going x

  16. Anonymous3:12 am GMT

    Ah you look great!

  17. You come across really well. Love the sheepskin jacket!


  18. excellent,excellent,excellent video Stevie! <3 i love your voice!

  19. Anonymous6:30 pm GMT

    love your outfit in the vid

  20. Anonymous10:16 pm GMT

    what nail and lip colour were you wearing? love em!

  21. Anonymous12:07 pm GMT

    Love the blog, love your video the most. You come across as unaffected by the silly side of fashion. Bravo!
    On a side note the filming is also beautiful!

  22. Anonymous7:21 pm GMT

    Just seen the vid - loved it! And that turquoise ring is sublime.

    I am Fashion Coordinator for Brighton Fashion week as well as being a fashion textiles student. Part of my job is to write the blog, showcasing designers and reporting on life as a fashion student!


    if you're interested!

  23. the way they put together all the videos is lovely - the filming is top and the editing even better. i loved it stevie! you are so articulate and clever, you talk so well about fashion and style and inspiration. i hope you're really proud!!


  24. This series of videos has been a massive help for my dissertation (on blogging, lucky me) as it's great to hear the candid thoughts that normally wouldn't necessarily be written down. I agree with the whole Alexa Chung sentiment, and I can understand the whole blogging obsession. Great vid!

  25. Oh, I'm gutted! I'd already posted about this series but I much prefer your video. Love when you say that style should be about comfort because I wholly agree; not in an entirely "ain't this snuggly" way, but also the comfort to be yourself. To wear whatever feels natural to you, personally, without trying to adopt what looks right on someone else.
