Thursday, November 25, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving to all across the pond-ers and fellow lovers of all things American and pumpkin spiced. I'm making a big feast with around 20 friends tonight (around a quarter of us are American Studies students and one is a real life Texan which very much permits a foreign celebration) I am deliriously happy that the tinned pumpkin we ordered arrived just in the nick of time. My evening shall consist of peeling sweet potatoes and sampling for the first time the ultra odd combination of marshmallow with sweet potatoes. Nom nom nom.


  1. I love thanksgiving food! I had my first thanksgiving in Glasgow two years ago when I was on exchange and my flatmate and a few other friends were American. Sweet potato souffle is the best dessert!!! I'm having my second thanksgiving tomorrow night in Paris. Bring on the pumpkins and turkey! Hope you have a great night!

  2. Oooh yum! Happy thanksgiving x

  3. The combo is a bit sickly sweet for me! Good that you got the tinned stuff - hear that's the only thing that works in a pie...

  4. Ooh I've never had sweet potatoes before! It does seem odd to have it with marshmallows though! Is it an American thing? xoxo

  5. Marshmallows and potatoes? Nice

  6. Real-life Texan here who has been following your blog for a while but never commented. This post made me really happy. Hope you enjoy your feast; ours here is about to get started and I was in charge of sweet potatoes: mine are infused with ginger and coconut rum and topped with praline crumble. Cheers!

  7. marshmellow and sweet potatoes. a girl from widnes just can't comprehend this.

    hope you have a good night though, and this made me realise why gossip girl was cancelled. bravo.


  8. We had candied yams with pecans here n New Jersey, which were so sweet my teeth screamed in protest. I love Thanksgiving: the only time of year fashion people are allowed to eat VAST quantities

  9. Sounds lovely! I hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving!

