Sunday, December 12, 2010

fern print

I found this fabric during the Summer in a charity shop just down the road from my Granny's house. It's about 1x2 metres, not big enough to do much with besides lay at the end of my bed over my grey lambswool blanket. Which is fine because the lush greens look lovely against the grey and I like having it somewhere I can always see it. I just wish I had more of it as the cheese plant and fern print is perfect; I'd love to make a collection of matchy matchy go-to pieces for myself. A cheese plant print mini dress, a pair of slacks, or some shorts to have as a summer core uniform to be alternated each day and worn with straw hats and leather sandals or orange lippie and grey trainers for a winning tangerine/jungle/schoolgirl grey colour combo. Henry Holland's Summer 2011 collection has done absolutely nothing to quell my general desire for all things cheese plant related, in fact he has invigorated it fully with gorgeous little shirts, bags, flares (you name it!) in an uncannily similar print. I'm now wondering if there is someway of copying and reproducing my fabric in mass in time for the Spring.. Thinking cap on.


  1. love the fabric! cool post.

  2. Love the green, ferns kinda remind me of bare legs and wellies brushing past on rainy, dewy days :)

  3. Love the print, it reminds me of my beach house that was decorated with curtains/cushions in a similar print in the 70s by my grandma and hasn't been changed since

  4. it makes for a pretty sweet photo background. cheeseplants remind me of waiting rooms though, dentists and such. not sure how i feel about that though
