Saturday, December 25, 2010

merry christmas!

Merry Christmas all! Here's to a day of (bread) saucy gluttony and cosiness.

On this perfectly crisp and quiet Christmas Day here is a quote from Rose in I Capture The Castle which I always associate with the festive season, dreaming about living in a cold, crumbling English castle from the comfort of a blanket on the sofa and the simple enjoyment to be had from a new lipstick and a roast. Our Christmasses are pretty modest since I've got older, we'll exchange a book or two and something to eat and drink and after this routine over the past few years a brand new lippie rather appeals.

"I'd sell my soul to the devil...
...for a roast-beef dinner and a Tangee lipstick."

Hope you're all having a cracking Christmas (oh no I didn't..) yourselves. What did you get?


  1. Merry Christmas!

    The rest of my night will consist of attempting to navigate my new sewing machine.


  2. Anonymous12:57 pm GMT

    I've always loved a bit of I Capture the Castle. Right up there in my list of favourite books. God, this post pretty much sums up everything I associate with comfort. Curled up reading a good book in a chunky jumper whilst The Beatles are on... what a Christmas. Merry Christmas to you too and I can't wait for your future posts x

  3. Merry Christmas!
    Hope you had a good day.
    From the girl who emailed you about your trip to America and foolishly forgot to reply. I am still trying to find someone to go with!
    Freya xx

  4. Yay! Love Rocky Raccoon, one of my fave Beatles songs :)

  5. Love this editorial and I Capture the Castle! Hope you had a good Christmas.
