Friday, January 14, 2011

back in the manchester groove

Ah, back in the Manchester groove. Arrived back 'home' (is it home? I never quite know what to call it..) yesterday and it feels so good to be reunited with everybody, despite the impending exams hanging over our heads and the fact we're all unable to avoid 'oh, I haven't done any revision' type conversations which only serve to distress and egg each other on in a bad way. Today I'm wearing my new Benetton jumper which I bought from eBay the other week for a steal of 99p. Now less chat and more work. Off to the library I go..


  1. I feel your pain, wait until you reach the dreaded dissertation deadline. The closer it gets, the less compelled I feel to do any work. Oh dear. Good luck with your exams!

  2. Ah, I have impending exams as well and revision is destroying my soul Good luck with them x

  3. Anonymous9:14 pm GMT

    you look great, love your hair. good luck with your exams!

  4. hair's lookin great stevie!

    so, hair's to you doing great in your exams! lollll. C x

  5. Beautiful pic, you look so fresh x

  6. Anonymous12:14 am GMT

    your eyebrows are looking rather fantastic!

  7. Anonymous12:38 am GMT

    good luck with your exams! man, i love/hate "i haven't done any revision" conversations, so comforting and disturbing at the same time. xx

  8. 99p is amazing! ahhh, i rarely have the patience for ebay (i 'watch' things then forget when they are ending etc etc.. i've had many sad times when i've thought i had a extra hour..recently missed out on a jaeger jumper with patchwork sleeves!) but that is a steal. good luck with the exams, i'm meant to be studying too, but i'm finding myself on errrrr, you tube and blogger instead of my books! x
