Saturday, February 19, 2011

so here we are

This week has been an odd one mostly punctuated by me randomly falling over in public and being left with the kind of palm grazes you have continuously between the ages of 4 and 6 or sitting in lectures and just feeling a bit teary and sorry for myself. Clearly something is in the air as Michelle from Cheapskate Chic has has a similarly shoddy week! But having a tab permanently on my computer screen with incoming catwalk reports has been a nice distraction and with London Fashion Week kicking off this weekend it's a good excuse to let cyber people watching via style blogs monopolise my brain.

I usually find the Winter collections more appealing, perhaps this is just because seeing an influx of polonecks and cosy looking parkas while it's still chilly outside is physically appealing but either way the New York collections excited me more than usual. As naughty as it is to admit somethings I view NYFW as a bit of a pre-cursor to the more exciting and less commercial shows. (Proenza Schouler, Rodarte, Rachel Comey are exampt from this generalisation). But back to this season. Edun in particular which grows on me with every season, had a very cool ease about it. The sort of collection that has been styled well but would still serve you well once the outfits have been deconstructed and individual pieces worn. It always niggles me when you realise a collection that looked so wonderful on the catwalk was down to canny styling and it's brilliance doesn't quite translate onto the rails.

More updates after the weekend I should think, after a flying visit to London. There is nothing quite like London Fashion Week to encourage patriotism (okay, bunting-clad Royal Weddings street parties and Northern boozers are up there too..) and have me rubbing my hands together in anticipation of what the young british designers will come up with. For this reason Lulu Kennedy's blog is always good for a little peruse to the heart beating faster.


  1. You're right, it does seem like a decent capsule collection, ripe for deconstruction and teaming with other things in the wardrobe. I'm always more interested in the A/W collections. I'm a winter girl, I think everyone looks better in a coat :)

  2. hey! i've been following you on my photography blog and i love your blog and always get excited to see what you're going to post next i've just set up a fashion blog myself (just this week) and have done a few posts already im going to LFW tomorrow to take some street style photos which you might be interested in seeing it would mean so much if you followed me and maybe give me some advice (if you can be bothered) heres the link xx

  3. I am glad LFW is providing you with a suitable distraction (really sorry to hear about the Valentine Day break up) If there is any time for frivolity, extravagance and indulgence it is this week :-) x

  4. Anonymous6:13 pm GMT

    ouch! seems to have been one of those weeks. loving the outfits you've picked from Edum, i've always found AW collections so much more 'friendlier' to the human eye, easier to wear than block neon colours and bikinis!

  5. Anonymous6:31 pm GMT

    Wow! What a thrill that trip must have been! Really lovely blog. So delighted to have found it! Following now :) And will be interested in hearing how your advertising goes! xo, Erika

  6. love all the sweaters!
