Saturday, April 02, 2011

fat sams

I've had renewed enthusiasm for Bugsy Malone this week after going to Itchy Feet (a touring clubnight that plays soul, funk, rock n roll, swing, blues) where they ended the night with 'You Give A Little Love'. Cue ridiculously enthusiastic jiving on my part as soon as I recognised those first plinky piano chords from all of those Bugsy marathons when I was little and since then the soundtrack has been on repeat. So here's the last scene from the film-probably one of the most feelgood scenes in a film, like, ever. A bold statement but if this doesn't make you feel all smiley and happy on this fine Saturday, I don't know what will. Plus Bugsy Malone and weekends go together like cheese and pickle.

On a side note I highly recommend Itchy Feet to anyone who enjoys dancing to Twist and Shout, Preacher Man, Brown Sugar, Lola.. Everybody there was so into the music and track after track was perfection so that staying inside and sweatily dancing instead of going outside for air seemed a justifed trade-off.


  1. i am even more gutted i missed itchy feet birmingham if they make a habit of playing this!
    my house mate and i delight in the joy/pain of this song, it's so happy but it goes on for so long.
    i love bugsy malone so much!

  2. I forget how good bugsy malone is. Now listening to so you wanna be a boxer, personal fave.

  3. My dream is to have a custard pie fight.

  4. Love itchy feet, love bugsy malone. Digging out the video now I'm back home!

  5. Wow. Itchy Feet sounds amazing! And I love Bugsy Mallone! One of my faves!

  6. sounds like the most fun night ever! My love for Bugsy Malone is neverending
