Saturday, April 30, 2011

just married

I didn't really think I'd write a Royal Wedding post (not that I didn't love getting up bright and early, flicking on the coffee machine and settling onto the sofa with some pastries and a novel sense of anticipation) but there was one unexpected moment that trumped all. Timid balcony kisses and aisle-side utterances of 'you look stunning, babe' aside Kate and William's 'just married' getaway moment in Prince Charles's 1969 Aston Martin, souped up with learner plates, 'C' and 'W' balloons and a personalised registration plate was the height of cool and brilliantly un-royal. It was one of those moments when you catch yourself thinking 'hey they're just like us!' before realising that you're sitting in a terraced house next to a cat and their Granny is the Queen. Truthfully I don't think William and Kate are the most interesting pair, I'd much rather witness the marriage of a Prince to somebody with a naughty look in their eye, but like all great lovers -Disney's Robin Hood and Maid Marian, I'm looking at you- a getaway car riding into the sunset (or to the roundabout and back up to Buckingham Palace) is a pretty cool way to kickstart matrimony.


  1. I hadn't seen these photos. They really do bring the entire thing down to earth...even if only for a moment.

  2. I loved watching the wedding! As slushy and uncool as that may be to admit! Even curled up under a duvet with a cup of tea, streaming the whole thing from my laptop, I felt patriotic and soppy! Romance isn't dead...

    p.s. HI!

  3. I love your photo and your style and you blog I love all !!!!I'M YOUR FOLLOWER <3
    I hope you will follow me
    with love

  4. Totally with you about the Aston Martin - along with Burton's dress that's another thing I'd love to have on my wedding day!

    Of course a Prince wouldn't go amiss either ;)

  5. This post was perfect! I completely agree with you. :)

  6. Anonymous9:02 pm BST

    Agreed! This was unexpected and showed a bit of personality. Didn't plan on watching but in the end I couldn't resist!

  7. the film turkish delight has some great wedding

  8. ooh just had a little investigate of turkish delight, looks like a film to add to the must-watch list. thanks for the tip laura jean! (ps, I love your name)
