Friday, May 27, 2011

chloe sevigny in twin magazine

'At home with Chloe Sevigny' style editorials have become a bit of a genre in their own right. There was the Apartamento feature that painted an image of cottagey serenity in the heart of New York as she sat at her wide kitchen table with a Chinese tea set and bedded down under a duvet and a cover of streaming sunlight. There was the House and Garden set, a glossier affair paying attention to the clashing wallpapers and flowering garden. There also was the candid Tim Barber photographs with Chloe looking at her records and squatting on the sofa in a ragged t-shirt. On the one hand this concept feels a bit old hat, and I wouldn't mind well, 'a change of scenery', but it's also kind of cool that a bit of a series is developing with different approaches, stylists, photographers (and Chloe's varying haircuts) dictating different results.

This latest editorial comes from Twin Magazine, aptly titled 'Kick Ass' with styling by Michelle Cameron who managed to source a great double screen-printed jumper that marries together the Nike and Chloe logos to proclaim 'Chloe America's No 1'. Amen to that.


  1. Anonymous12:40 am BST

    ok ok breathe.....
    she looks absolutely gorgeous in that last picture!

  2. I think she's got the greatest place to live. I'm obsessed since months by this huge painting she's got. She definitely have style in everything. Amen to that ^^.

    See U !

    PS : thanks for being my dealer in great Chloe stuff !

  3. i found your blog while googling for images of chloe sevigny's street style. love it!

  4. She has the best bathroom. I have told D in no uncertain terms that when we get our bathroom redecorated, it's to be done in Chloe S style

  5. I live in L.A.,
    and I saw her at this popular vintage store on Melrose st. I was trying to be low key about taking a picture of her without being noticed but it was pretty obvious, I was sweating so hard from being nervous haha

    I loveeee her.

  6. Ah Chloe is always fantastic. And that picture of her in the Nike sweatshirt is totally squee-worthy!

    and by the way, saw this and reminded me of you :-)
