Saturday, May 14, 2011


fishermans coat, eBay, jumper and dress from h&m.

Well on Friday the 13th it rained and it poured and it's barely stopped since. After the sunniness of April it's like having a little pocket of winter tucked into the spring requiring once again the use of macs and more layers. The day was free of any hocus pocus (I don't really buy Friday 13th creepiness) and well spent. I experienced an odd practice simulation of a MRI scan as I'm having one today as part of a neuroscience experiment. While I was inside I was thinking of 'IRM' by Charlotte Gainsbourg which incorporates the clunky sounds of the scanner into the song. I attended my last ever seminar of my 1st year at University (discussion: religious ideologies and evangelism in America). Went to Wasabi with some of the girls and we treated ourselves to Sushi. Spent money I do not possess in h&m (woo, month of eating only couscous to repent! I hope my Mum isn't reading this..) and in the afternoon I drank some Horlicks and wrapped up in my raincoat to battle the rain.


  1. that fishermans coat was such a find..
    i've seen one in a shop somewhere this season but i can't think for the life of me where..

  2. hahah i just adore your laidback style <3 love the fisherman coat so much, i'm on the lookout for one x

  3. oh man I could live off Wasabi, I LOVE their prawn tanmen soup!

  4. Anonymous11:26 am BST

    i want to be you

  5. oh thaanks, ashling. good to know my blog provides my friends with a distraction in the library..

  6. Anonymous12:32 am BST

    Oooo I've been eyeing off those fisherman coats on ebay for AGES, wondering if I would ever have the guts to wear one.

  7. Just stumbled across your blog...those walls...i could recognise them anywhere....Oak House halls at Man uni?

  8. the macs very cute I am yet to buy one even though I love them. you make a rainy day sound lovely with horlicks + sushi ... i am partial to a little horlicks + recently my rainy day movie is ponyo because of the storm scenes which make me want to wrap up and eat ramen ... sosuke also wears a yellow mac in this
