Saturday, June 18, 2011

mum's shoes

Can we please take a moment to admire my Mum's utterly perfect leather sandal and ankle grazer combination? Her feet were one of the first things I noticed when she hopped out of the van to collect my melancholy self and a room worth of possessions from Manchester this week.  To the extent that I felt my overenthusiastic attention to detail sort of hijacked our reunion moment. 'Did you buy the Swear sandals?' were I think my exact words about two seconds after we had greeted each other as I mistook them for these. Two proverbial bombshells dropped as she told me they were from Next (a shop I never consider visiting) and around the £30 mark. Quite a feat to find reasonably priced shoes on a high street that relentlessly prices shoes with a shelf life of a year at the £60+ mark. This is a subject that converts me into 'elder lady in M&S' style rages defined by tuts when I look at price tags on the shoes in Topshop, for example. 'Chh! £68 for this? This flimpsy sole won't even make it through the summer!' etc etc). I spent the rest of the day watching my Mum's feet, not dissimilar to the way I might have followed them around a supermarket back in the day, but this time not for navigational purposes but out of pure lust.


  1. yes. to the shoes, to the foot-pounding worthy soles, to the ankle baring pants.. to everything. great post! love it!


  2. Anonymous9:32 am BST

    lolz :D this post made me laugh and smile! your mum has got the combination PERFECT i completely understand why you keep watching them lol. sometimes mum's amaze me that they will combine something so easily and without effort and then act surprised when you tell them it's very fashionable/amazing!
    thanks to your mum i will now spend the morning brousing Next website and Clarks etc etc. those Swear sandals are seriously haunting my dreams these days!

  3. I spied these in next too! They'd sod out in my size but I'm determined to find a pair in London.

  4. Anonymous12:48 pm BST

    Style definitely runs in the family then - they look great and remind me of a line in a Pulp song about Jesus sandals. Wish my marge was this cool and would give up her incessant Camper-style Clarks purchases... there comes a point where rubber-soled mary janes and whatnot cannot be excused xxx

  5. Anonymous3:54 pm BST

    Goes to show that the high street is not all bad! You never know what you might find there.... your mum found a fashion piece! woohooooooooooo!

  6. love them! my mom has a similar pair in black and i like to borrow them whenever i get the chance! :)

  7. Will so be looking for these next week when I get paid - just my kind of shoes!

    Caz x

  8. These are so amazing!!! Although I am not surprised your mum is so cool, I can see where you get your style!

    I've been lusting after tan leather t-bars too, guess I'll have to head over to Next!

  9. My mum loved that kind of shoes too because its so comfortable to wear according to her ;)
