Saturday, July 02, 2011


Last week. This was a 'going to buy ingredients for a carrot cake' outfit. 
I'm wearing my 'Robert Ford tunic' (it reminds me of the thin cotton garments worn in The Assassination of Jesse James) along with my faithful jeans and sunglasses from Topshop, bag from Cow Vintage and New Balance trainers.

The carrot cake turned out to be absolutely delicious, though I suffered a classic Miranda from Sex and The City case of consuming almost the whole thing to myself, which is the most senior form of culinary egotism. The recipe is from The Great British Baking book, great for comforting baked goods though maybe not summer shapeliness.


  1. Anonymous11:54 am BST

    I wish there was Cow Vintage in London... I really shouldn't complain considering my proximity to Camden and Brick Lane but Cow's great! Mmmmm carrot cake. I need to make cake. But then I'd just eat it all myself in a similar way to you and Miranda. A Sex and the City marathon is called for instead of fatty temptations :)

  2. Anonymous3:27 pm BST

    cool outfit...not as impressive poses
