Tuesday, July 12, 2011

away we go

own photographs, lake garda last year.

I'm heading off to Europe for a month which is rubbish because it means I have to do 'real' things like look at churches and interrail and talk to people when I could be sitting in front of this screen and blogging. Eh, who am I kidding, I'm really excited even if it does mean leaving the blog. And even if it means I spent five hours of stringing out half hearted packing and experiencing an internal debate over the desire for light packing liberation and all of my shorts in my suitcase. Posting shall by the power of time travel and 'technology de la internet' continue as I've set up some self timed posts. Until next month!


  1. Europe for a month?...how lovely
    beautiful photos

    Hazel Blog

  2. Love these dreamy photos.

  3. Lake Garda looks so beautiful! Mega jealousy. I love Italy. Where are you going this year? x

  4. Anonymous1:22 pm BST

    aww i hope you enjoy yourself and make sure you take lots of pictures like the ones you posted to show us how great it was :)

  5. Anonymous4:25 pm BST

    Have an amazing time. you are just too cool

  6. Have an amazing time! Completely jealous,

    Rosie x

  7. 1. Not afraid to admit I'm jealous.
    2. Hope you have an amazing trip!!

  8. Have an amazing time in Europe :) Can't wait to hear about it. Love those photos by the way, looks like the best place to be on a summers day ! Molly xo

  9. wonderful photos, love them.

  10. i hope you have an incredible time!! and for light packing, vacuum bags and handwashing are a magical thing.

  11. Gorgeous photos! thanks for sharing ;)

  12. I couldn't agree more the dreamy photos are lovely. I'm a bit jealous though, a month in Europe is a dream come true. I've always wanted to spend some quality time in Europe, my trip in France was really short and I didn't get to see anything except a towel made of metals=) Hope you enjoy your trip.
