Monday, August 29, 2011

last week

My friend Nanon took these pictures last week when she came to visit me in Bristol. I proudly showed her the sights and took her to Magic Roll for the famous O'Piratha wrap -lamb patties, haloumi, spinach, mushrooms and hot chilli sauce which culminated in a silent 5 minutes of mutual awe and respect for the perfect taste sensation we were both experiencing. We also went up to Stroud to go to a 'surprise party' (would have been surprise if Nanon hadn't accidentally texted the 'suprisee' the night before giving a blow by blow list of the plans, duh) But it was still lovely and consisted of catching up with friends, saying goodbye to those leaving us to study in faraway lands, face warming beside a bonfire and in my case eating so much pate that I was forced to retire early to bed to sleep off the livery nausea. Nice!


  1. What stunning photographs! The first one in particular is striking.

  2. Bristol seems to be a beautyful city!

  3. Anonymous5:26 pm BST

    It seems like you had a great time :)
    I love the first and second pic, and your shirt on the third one... and I dig your blonde hair, it really suits you.

  4. Lovely photos:)


    - the many lives of line

  5. nice pictures of one of my favourite cities, although i've never heard of magic roll. sounds intriguing... will definately visit next time!

  6. Anonymous8:53 pm BST

    everyone seems to love my photos, perhaps i've found a new profession? eh? eh? NAWT. love and kisses, a fellow desperate x

  7. i just had 13 discotheque c posts in my bursting google reader, yay! aha had to comment because i was on a date thing on friday to a place on the triangle (where you have to knock the door to get in?! do you know it?!) and he asked me if i'd had a magic roll and i thought he was crazy! however must take a trip there for dinner this week! p.s. if you're liking anything motel rocks atm, do get in touch, we've got some chunky fisherman style knits coming in soon that could be up your street and i can send out bloggy samples to ma faves! xx
