Thursday, August 25, 2011


A young Jurassic Park reading Alexa Chung/ 1940s Chinatown, New York by Charles Cushman/ I don't want a kiss, I don't want a Krispee Kreme, all I want in the world is this Faux Fur Faun (say that three times fast) top by Perks + Mini. Sorry Bambi! / in the Cos changing rooms wearing the t-shirt that I bought/ Girls Say Yes to Boys Who Say No! Baez Sisters Vietnam draft resistance poster/ Hailee Steinfeld chowing down on some especially appealing pizza (still has nothing on the Deer top in the lust stakes, though..) in the current Miu Miu campaign.


  1. hello! i adore your blog-especially the mood boards-can i ask what program you use to make them? thanksthanks! x

  2. hey blossom, I usually (whisper it) play it old school with Paint! But when I'm feeling fancy it's Photoshop which is what I used to make the dalmatian collage below..

  3. in. LOVE. with. resistance. poster. in. LOVE! xxxxxx

  4. Hey Stevie, was great to meet you yesterday! I see you were lured into the making a Cos purchase - very nice. Hope to see you around London again sometime soon. If you want to keep in touch you can follow me on twitter @therealramsingh (this is not a shameless plug - I swear!)

    K x

  5. Oh I really like this, nice images!

  6. wow, super into that draft resistance poster, such a positive, strong image and message!

  7. Where did you find that poster!?

  8. This is lovely, thanks for sharing!
