Sunday, August 14, 2011


This is an outfit I've been wearing a lot over the past week. Something simple for the summer which is easy to throw on in the mornings with little thought process yet without the slumminess that early morning outfit nonchalance can sometimes lead to. The top is secondhand Marimekko and has little poppers leading up to the neckline that remind me of when I used to absolutely love clasping together the poppers on my little sister's babygrow with the same enthusiasm reserved for bursting bubble wrap. The skirt is from Colours in Berlin and doesn't come with any kind of gimmick but I can live with that. 


  1. Anonymous9:15 am BST

    LOVE IT :D beautiful colour too

  2. i've never heard you talk about siblings i thought you were an only child. hmm....
    i love denim skirts like those

  3. I love a simple denim skirt, it's perfect for summer. And the sweater is lovely - love the colour. It's a simple yet beautiful outfit.

    Love xx

  4. My favourite bit is the blonder hair :)

  5. That is such a lovely top! Poppers are the best, I recently bought a Wood Wood top with some huge poppers at the front and it really is a satisfying action.

    Also loving your blonder hair, it really suits you!

  6. Your blog is great and I really enjoy it! You're wonderful! And I like your hair.
