Thursday, September 29, 2011

on jane birkin

I haven't got a lot out of the current issue of Vogue UK. I have a problem with the Style File interviews laying admiration on people for 'having caught the eye of Prince Harry over the Summer' especially when the same subject goes on to describe herself as 'a high-street girl' with the exception of an occasional Gucci shoe purchase. Or a Mulberry bag. Plus maybe a penchant for dresses from Erdem and Temperley. Which is all fine but in my book more accurately translates as a 'high-end girl who also likes Topshop.' I get tired of reading articles in Vogue which present people under the allusion that they're 'just like us' when they feel more suited to Tatler. 

The interview with Jane Birkin on the other hand made my purchase of the issue worth it and I devoured it. It's honest while escaping any sense of false modesty. When asked about her 'high-street secrets', she answers that she doesn't have any. Her daily beauty routine? 'Frankly, I swish my face-and bosoms-with cold water on waking and then on with anything I can lay my hands on while I brush my teeth and put on the radio for the nine o'clock news.' I very much like that Jane Birkin calls her boobs 'bosoms'. The interview is full of interesting tidbits, thanks to the well considered questions. We learn that she buys cashmere socks which always end up heel-less thanks to their ill-suited coupling with her Converse and that fringes are fantastic for 'horse-faced people like me.'

Chances are that for anyone who loves Jane Birkin's style, they also have a soft spot for the wicker baskets which became one of her sartorial trademarks in the 1960s. 'Either she brings her basket or we leave,' Serge Gainsbourg would sternly warn any restaurant or nightclub that they entered and she was faithful to her favourite accessory until her second husband Jacques Doillon became so sick of 'gimmicks' that he ran his car over it, a fact that she relays without the mournful sentiment I would probably attach to a humorous yet tragic episode!


  1. Anonymous10:10 am BST

    SUCH a good interview, immediately pulled it out to stick in my favourites folder

  2. Thank you so much for posting! Really enjoyed reading this. ;)

  3. Anonymous10:49 am BST

    She is anything but horse-faced.

  4. i get so aggravated as well, when a series of utterly vapid interviews are strung together. of course, the obvious response is, do not purchase the magazine, however, it saddens me that the expectations are so low.

    jane is so beautiful, i hope i can find this interview online.

  5. Ooh *snap* - love your intro to this piece. Couldn't agree more that the society snobbery within Vogue is at times not only crass but also unbelievable passe...

  6. vogue is just very boring. its like they think everyone lives in london and shop in topshop for a laugh...

  7. I agree about Vogue, I much prefer Elle. But I would like to read that Jane int! May have to loiter in WH Smith to do so.

  8. This sounds so good it makes it worth buying the whole freaking Vogue to just check it out. Thanks for the tip!

  9. i had knew Jane Birkin's some things and had very good joying read with it .
