Monday, October 03, 2011

hot and cool

I was glad that during London Fashion Week (which I haven't really talked about yet as I'm still waiting to get my films developed) I was able to meet Hot and Cool Magazine's Alice Goddard and Theo Sion. Of course now that everything can be done remotely these days I've contributed three articles to the past two issues and exchanged lots of emails without ever having met them in person. So when I met them at Sakura for some particularly slurpy noodles it felt sort of like Blind Date (though sadly without Cilla). But it was nice to talk more about the latest magazine while-"wait, did Paul Simonon and Serena Rees just sit at the table next to us?"-trying not to gawp at the pair who were sitting side by side while working their way through an absolute banquet of sashimi (who sits side by side in a restaurant? Brilliant!)

I really like Hot and Cool and love contributing to something that I'd still be excited to read regardless of any involvement, it's refreshing and personal and pretty to look at. This issue was particularly special because I was able to interview Maya Villiger whose site Turned Out is my ideal template for a 'street style' blog and I really enjoyed learning about Danish architect Arne Jacobsen in Asta Meldal Lynge's piece 'So Modern'. The Fashion pages are as pleasing as ever (a Big Lebowski style shot of model decked in a tartan dressing gown, anyone?) and my personal favourite 'fun fact'-each of the style spreads is named after an episode of Seinfeld, Alice and Theo's favourite show.

You can buy a copy of Hot and Cool 3 here
and peruse the online Journal here.


  1. The mag looks great, would love to read your interview. Will hunt it down x
