Thursday, November 24, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving Statesiders!

I'm sort of bummed out that I won't be having the same blow-out Thanksgiving meal as last year which involved lots of hands, one 'genuine' American, 5 overly keen American Studies students and the usual turkey crisis but in the end 22 contented stomachs and sweaty elation that we'd pulled off such a banquet in a small student halls of residence kitchen. Still, the memorieez of my first Thanksgiving live on, I don't usually do 'here are my friends' style posts but these are some photographs because I have the loveliest, fondest memories from that night because it was imperfect in so many ways yet it reminds me of the beginning of lots of brilliant friendships, and over a plate laden with food is exactly where I think those should start.


  1. Anonymous9:55 am GMT

    the whole reason i want to move to america is to experience their holidays again, no one does Halloween or Christmas like them!

  2. awww wanna be there!!! hope your day were full of good stuffs!!!


  3. It's a brave girl who wears a belly-top to a Thanksgiving dinner. I salute her!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. love these phots. makes me feel as if I was there. also love the cropped top !
