Thursday, November 10, 2011

what I wore

What I wore yesterday- my friend Nanon's grey school jumper (I find myself in a 'better late than never' school uniform habit at the moment with my Marks and Spencer pleated skirt also thrown into the mix) as well as my Marc by Marc Jacobs 'I Love You' charm (I'm sure most people who ever visited the cheapy Marc Jacobs store on Bleeker St in New York own it?) on a thin gold chain received from my Mum on my 16th birthday. I also found this 'so awful it's delightful' Paris signet ring in a drawer when I returned home last week. I'd completely forgotten about it and now I like to wear it closing my eyes and pretending that I am in fact wearing the Martin Margiela version that I've been hankering after. Yes..

I seem to have an increased interest in jewelry everytime winter comes around, it's one of those subconscious lusts that hits when Christmas is around the corner and when luxurious items are a million times more appealing; cashmere and puppies and perfume and piles of fluffy untouched snow all combining to create the ultimate seasonal dream with Robbie Williams and Nicole Kidman romping in a corner somewhere (optional). 


  1. I've seen a lot of bloggers, including myself, who seem to have gotten into wearing a "uniform" with the colder weather. I've also noticed an increased lusting for luxurious things and I just assume it's because the weather's so miserable in comparison to the warm sun of summer that we instinctively seek comfort and convenience any way we can find it. Of course, it totally doesn't hurt that Christmas is just around the corner and it would be SO nice to be given some of those things!

  2. For some reason I love the school uniform look too, i tend to wear a version everyday recently... it's probably due to a subconscious fear of turning another year old this month! eek
    This time of year always has me hankering after accessories and sequins, I love that Paris ring, so fun!
    - Charlotte xx

  3. I've really been lusting after some Margiela jewellery too!! A lot of it is actually *reasonably* affordable (compared to the clothes) but still, I'm a bit broke atm :-/

  4. Anonymous11:49 am GMT

    I love a good old school jumper when it gets a bit chillier. That signet ring really is something else...kind of like it though, as you say :P

  5. Anonymous4:16 pm GMT

    Quit raiding my wardrobe while I'm at Uni. Big love x
